Get Your Life Back from Insomnia

Sleep coaching that will help you stop struggling with insomnia so you can live the life you want to live.

You can stop struggling with insomnia. I’ll help you.

You want to enjoy a good night’s sleep. You want to wake in the morning feeling refreshed and full of energy. But too often you find it hard to fall asleep or almost impossible to fall back to sleep after waking during the night.

Night after night you struggle with sleep, and you don’t know if you will ever be able to enjoy a normal night of sleep again.

Day after day you struggle with fatigue and anxiety, and you don’t know if you will ever be able to enjoy life as you once did.

No matter what you do, you continue to struggle.

Until now.

More than 1 in 3 adults are not getting a good night’s sleep1. I’ve created a six-week course that will help you move away from struggling with insomnia and all the difficult thoughts and feelings that come with it so you can get back to living the kind of life you want to live.

Hundreds of success stories (and counting)!

Certified Health Education Specialist logo
Certification in Clinical Sleep Health logo
ACE Certified Health Coach logo

My name is Martin Reed. I am a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES®), I hold a Certification in Clinical Sleep Health (CCSH), and I am an ACE Certified Health Coach.

The CHES® certification is awarded by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC). Established in 1988, NCHEC is the only accredited US certifying agency for the health education industry. Obtaining CHES® certification requires years of university-level academic study, passing a competency-based examination, and a commitment to professional competency through continuing education.

The CCSH certification is an advanced level credential awarded by the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT). The BRPT is an independent, nonprofit certification board for sleep health professionals and is recognized by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). Obtaining CCSH certification requires clinical experience and/or an approved healthcare credential, passing a competency-based examination, and a commitment to continuing education.

The ACE Certified Health Coach credential is the only health coach certification accredited by the NCCA and is awarded to individuals who have met the highest industry standard for health professionals. Obtaining this credential requires an approved healthcare credential and/or the appropriate education or experience, passing a competency-based examination, and a commitment to continuing education and professional development.

I have a master’s degree in health and wellness education and I studied clinical sleep health through the University of Delaware. Insomnia Coach LLC is also Better Business Bureau (BBB) Accredited and holds a BBB rating of “A+”.

I have lived with insomnia. I learned how to move away from the insomnia struggle and improve my sleep. I want to help you do the same.

What clients say…

smiling client maura

Maura FitzGerald

“I had so much anxiety about going to bed and most days I felt very sleep deprived. My life is so much better now. I struggled for a long time with the depression that goes with sleep deprivation. What a delicious pleasure it is to climb into bed at night and know that I will go to sleep.”

smiling client valmore

Valmore Riera

“My sleep was horrifically bad. It consumed my every thought. I felt like I had no control of something I thought I should’ve had control over, but really, I learned I never really had any real control over my sleep. Now, I spend my daytime enjoying life rather than thinking about sleep.”

smiling client alesha

Alesha Holdaway

“My sleep was an absolute wreck. I was exhausted and ridden with sleep-related anxiety every single day and frustrated beyond anything I can think to compare it to. I now feel relief, hope, and peace beyond description. I feel encouraged that sleep will not control my outlook on life in the long term.”

Click here for more reviews, success stories, and testimonials.

The average person who completes my course reports:

Last updated: May 17, 2024

You can work alone or we can work together.

happy couple on a boatI will help you move away from struggling with insomnia and toward living the life you want to live through a six-week online course.

You have two options to choose from.

You can choose the self-coaching option and work through the course by yourself.

This option gives you access to a private client forum and it does not include any one-on-one coaching.

Alternatively, you can choose to include one-on-one email coaching.

The content of the course will be the same as the self-coaching option and you still have access to the private client forum.

With the one-on-one email coaching option you will also get unlimited email-based access to me (Martin Reed, the founder of Insomnia Coach) for a total of eight weeks, starting from the day you enroll.

You will be able to contact me via email any time you have a question or concern and I will be there to coach you. We will work together as you move through the course so you can gain all the skills and receive all the support you might need to enjoy better sleep for the rest of your life.

Each week, for six weeks, you will gain access to fresh videos and self-study lessons that will leave you with a clear plan in place for what you can change and what you can practice each week on your journey toward a lifetime of better sleep — regardless of the option you choose.

You will learn exactly what to do to move away from the insomnia struggle.

Click to continue reading…

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) involves tackling the thoughts and behaviors that can perpetuate insomnia. It is recognized as the gold standard for treating insomnia and is recommended as the first treatment option for those with chronic insomnia by organizations such as the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the American College of Physicians, and the British Association for Psychopharmacology2.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Insomnia (ACT-I) is a newer approach. Instead of spending a lot of time, energy, and attention on trying to control sleep and the difficult thoughts and feelings that often come with insomnia, ACT involves identifying and accepting what cannot be controlled (so we can move away from unworkable behaviors), committing to what can be controlled (so we can move toward the life we want to live), moving away from struggle (responding to challenges with more flexibility), and living a life that’s aligned with our values.

ACT techniques have been found to have a significant effect on insomnia and sleep quality3. ACT has also been recognized as an alternative option for those who do not respond well to CBT-I4.

My course uses a blend of cognitive and behavioral coaching techniques alongside the newer acceptance and commitment coaching techniques.

What happens each week?

Week 1

  • You’ll learn the truth about sleep and insomnia.
  • You’ll learn an effective way to start shifting attention away from sleep and insomnia.
  • You’ll start to implement an appropriate sleep schedule that will help you create better conditions for sleep.
  • Sleep and insomnia will no longer feel mysterious and you will become more aware of the good stuff around you.

Week 2

  • You’ll learn how thoughts and feelings influence sleep and a more workable way of responding to them.
  • You’ll learn a new way to respond to nighttime wakefulness that will help you move away from endless struggle.
  • You will know exactly how to respond to wakefulness and the difficult thoughts and feelings that can come with it.

Week 3

  • You’ll learn a more workable way of responding to difficult thoughts and feelings that show up during the day.
  • You’ll learn how to be kinder to yourself and how to get through the really difficult days.
  • You will practice skills that will help move you away from struggle and toward the life you want to live.

Week 4

  • You’ll identify your values and start to work them into your daily life.
  • Your focus will start to shift away from controlling your mind (and sleep) and toward controlling your actions.
  • You will move toward the life you want to live and the person you want to be, even in the presence of insomnia.

Week 5

  • You’ll learn how (and why!) your mind can pull you away from doing things that matter when things are difficult.
  • You’ll learn how to commit to actions that will help you live a rich and meaningful life even in the presence of difficult thoughts and feelings and even after difficult nights.
  • You’ll live your life independently of sleep and be able to respond to difficult thoughts and feelings in a more workable way.

Week 6

  • You’ll learn exactly how to respond to the return of difficult nights in the future.
  • You will move away from any remaining sleep efforts, rituals, and safety behaviors.
  • You will be armed with skills that will shift your attention away from insomnia and toward living the life you want to live.

What do I need?

This is a genuine approach that can help you move away from the endless struggle with insomnia — but you need to put in the effort if you want to see results!

First, the technical requirements. You need:

* A computer, tablet, or phone that can connect to the internet and play online videos.
* A computer, tablet, or phone that can download (or stream) audio files.
* A computer, tablet, or phone that can open PDF documents.

Second, the personal requirement. You need:


You will need to put some effort in and be willing to make changes to your current approach if your current approach is not working.

Your situation is unlikely to change just from watching a few videos each week!

  • At the end of each week, you will be given an action plan.
  • This action plan will involve practicing what you’ve learned so far.

If you practice what you learn, you will give yourself the opportunity to experience change. If you do not practice what you learn, things are less likely to change!

Let’s get started.

It’s easy.

  1. Click the ‘Start Now’ button below and pay the enrollment fee,
  2. You will be logged into the client area and can get started right away,
  3. The course runs for six weeks and you have six months to finish the course.

Your commitment guarantees your success.

This course will help you:

Truly understand sleep and insomnia,
Identify (and get rid of) unhelpful habits,
Respond effectively to nighttime wakefulness,
Deal with difficult thoughts and feelings in a workable way,
Get your life back from insomnia and live the life you want to live.

There is no money-back guarantee and there are no refunds.

For change to happen, you need to be 100% committed.

If you enroll knowing you can change your mind and get your money back you are far less likely to succeed because you have an incentive to quit. I don’t want you to quit!

I want you to succeed. I only want you to enroll if you are 100% ready, willing, and able to change your current approach to insomnia. Your success depends upon you and your commitment to change.

For change to happen, you need to be “all in”.

woman with children

Are you ready?

If you enroll in my insomnia coaching course you will rediscover what it feels like to live a life independently of sleep.

You will move away from struggling with insomnia and all the difficult thoughts and feelings that often come with it.

Are you ready to move away from the endless and exhausting struggle?

Are you ready to get your life back from insomnia?

Frequently asked questions

How much does the course cost? Is there a payment plan?

The self-coaching option is available for one payment of $499 or six weekly payments of $99.

The 1-on-1 coaching option is available for one payment of $1499 or six weekly payments of $299.

All prices are in US dollars.

Do you take insurance?

I do not take insurance. Upon request, I can provide you with a receipt for sleep coaching services but I cannot guarantee reimbursement.

Can I pay using my HSA/FSA?

You might be able to use an HSA/FSA for health coaching services if you obtain a “letter of medical necessity” from your physician. I would suggest asking your plan administrator for more information and to confirm if you can use your HSA/FSA as payment for the course.

How long does it take to complete the course?

The course takes a minimum of six weeks to complete and I would suggest setting aside at least one or two hours each week to work through the course materials.

Although the course runs for six weeks, many people take a bit longer to work through all the materials (there’s a lot to cover!) — on average, people take about nine weeks to work through the entire course from start to finish.

When you enroll you will have access to all the content for Week 1. A week later, you will have access to all the content for Week 2. This continues each week until all six weeks of the course are available to you.

I would suggest taking your time and working through each week of the course at a pace that feels right to you. I also recommend practicing what you’ve learned for at least a week before moving on to the following week of the course.

You will have six months of access to the course materials — starting from the day you enroll — so you can work through it at your own pace.

Can I move ahead in the course and do all six weeks at once?

I admire your enthusiasm — but the answer is no! That’s because simply consuming information is unlikely to be of much help. Practice is what matters. For this reason, new material is released weekly to ensure you have at least a minimum amount of time to practice what you will be learning each week.

How much time do I need to work through the course each week?

I would suggest setting aside at least one or two hours each week to work through the course materials.

How long will I have access to the course?

You have six months of access to the course materials (including the client forum) starting from the day you enroll.

What if I need more than six months of access to the course materials?

At the end of the six months you will have the opportunity to purchase ongoing access to the course materials (including the client forum) for a nominal monthly fee (currently $49).

Is the online course personalized?

The core content of the online course is not personalized (insomnia from person to person is virtually identical and connected to the struggle we engage in to get rid of it).

However, if you enroll in the 1-on-1 coaching option you will be able to email me as you work through the course if you have any specific questions or wish to explore any specific issues in more detail. And, of course, all email exchanges are completely personalized!

What is the difference between the self-coaching and the 1-on-1 coaching options?

The course content is identical for both options. The only difference is that with the 1-on-1 coaching option, you also get eight weeks of unlimited email access to me (Martin Reed, founder of Insomnia Coach) starting from the day you enroll.

If I enroll in the self-coaching option, can I upgrade to the 1-on-1 coaching option at a later date?

You can upgrade to the 1-on-1 coaching option for an additional charge (currently $1000) within 14 days of enrolling in the self-coaching option. After 14 days you can request an upgrade but I cannot guarantee that an upgrade will be possible. If an upgrade is possible after 14 days, the additional charge for eight weeks of unlimited email coaching access is currently $1200.

How does the email coaching work if I enroll in the 1-on-1 coaching option of the course?

As soon as you enroll in the 1-on-1 coaching option you will have unlimited email access to me (Martin Reed) for eight weeks.

You will work through the course with me by your side — any time you have a question or concern, any time you aren’t sure about anything, any time you need some personalized support, guidance, or coaching, you can email me directly.

You will receive a response to any emails you send within two days, excluding weekends and public holidays in the United States.

What if I enroll in the 1-on-1 coaching option of the course and need more than eight weeks of email access to Martin Reed?

At the end of the eight weeks you will have the opportunity to purchase ongoing email access to me. This is currently charged at $299 per month.

If I enroll in the self-coaching option of the course, what happens if I get stuck or have any questions?

You will have access to a client forum where you can post questions and get support from others who are also working through the course — and I usually check in and respond to posts on a weekly basis, too.

Why does the course run for six weeks and include six months of access, and why does the 1-on-1 coaching option include eight weeks of email access?

The course can be completed in a minimum of six weeks. Most people take a bit longer and appreciate being able to revisit some of the course material from time to time. This is why you get six months of access to the course — you get to work through the course at your own pace and you can revisit sections as needed.

If you enroll in the 1-on-1 coaching option, email access is available for eight weeks since I’ve found this is the amount of time people tend to benefit most from having access to me. Ultimately, I want you to end up feeling empowered, capable, and armed with all the skills you need to free yourself from the insomnia struggle without me! If I offered email access for longer than eight weeks it would also make that option significantly more expensive.

Access to the course can be extended at the end of the six months and email access to me can be extended at the end of the eight weeks (if you enroll in the 1-on-1 coaching option) for an additional fee.

You’ll never be abandoned!

Are phone coaching calls included in the course?

Phone coaching calls are not included in the course — but 30-minute voice or video calls can be booked separately after you enroll, subject to availability, and are currently charged at $249 per call.

If you are looking for an exclusively phone or video based coaching relationship, I invite you to consider my 3-month Insomnia Mastery program.

Can I take the course if I live overseas?

Yes! The course is open to anyone, anywhere in the world.

Can I take the course if I travel frequently or have upcoming travel plans?

Yes! The course is intended to help you move away from struggling with insomnia so you can live the life you want to live — and, for many people, that involves travel! You won’t be expected to implement any draconian rules and rituals — so there’s nothing that might affect your ability to travel or your enjoyment of traveling!

Can I take the course if I am taking medication? Will the course help me stop taking medication?

Clients usually find the course helpful regardless of whether they are taking medication regularly, occasionally, or not at all! The course does not offer any advice on medication since that is best discussed with your doctor.

Many clients who take medication find that as they work through the course they feel better prepared to move away from medication. It is important not to make any changes to your medication without talking to your doctor first.

In my experience, people tend to be most successful in moving away from medication when they are able to formulate a plan with their doctor and then commit to it, independently of how each night goes.

If you’re taking medication because you feel you have no other options, the course will give you alternative options. It will not put any pressure on you to change your approach to medication and it will not imply any kind of judgement if you use medication. At the end of the day, you are the expert on you.

What is the difference between the free sleep training course and the online course?

The two-week free sleep training course is a series of short emails that look at insomnia using an approach that’s more aligned with the philosophy of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I).

The six-week online course includes over 70 recorded video lessons and is more aligned with the philosophy of acceptance and commitment therapy for insomnia (ACT-I) which is a newer approach.

I like to think of the free sleep training emails as the blurb of a book. The online course is the whole book!

What is the difference between the online course and the Insomnia Mastery program?

The online course has a set curriculum, runs for six weeks, and you can enroll right now and start working through the course materials. You also get access to a client forum for six months. If you choose the 1-on-1 coaching option you also get eight weeks of unlimited email access to me. No phone calls are included, but 30-minute calls can be booked separately (subject to availability) and are currently charged at $199 per call.

The Insomnia Mastery program runs for three months and requires an application before enrollment. There is no set curriculum — it is entirely guided by your needs and your priorities. The program includes an initial one-hour phone or video coaching session followed by six additional 30-minute coaching sessions. You also get three months of unlimited email access to me. I only accept a very small number of clients into the Insomnia Mastery program each year and it requires a higher investment of $3,500 (or three monthly payments of $1,400).

Is the course a type of therapy or counseling? Is it medical advice or treatment?

The course is not therapy, counseling, medical advice, or medical treatment — and it does not replace medical or mental health treatment from a licensed healthcare provider. If you are struggling with a significant mental health issue, I recommend that you seek advice from a licensed healthcare provider. If you are being treated for a mental health disorder I recommend that you get approval from your treating doctor or therapist before taking the course.

The course does not provide medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, disorder, or medical condition. It should never replace any advice given to you by your physician or any other licensed healthcare provider.

Is this CBT-I? I've tried CBT-I in the past and it didn't work. Can this course help me?

First, it’s important to emphasize that this course is not therapy. It does not contain medical advice and it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, disorder, or medical condition.

So, this course is not cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) — or any other kind of therapy. However, it does draw from a number of evidence-based approaches to insomnia.

CBT-I can be helpful — evidence proves it. And, in my experience, I’ve found that CBT-I techniques can sometimes trip people up as they can become a whole new list of rules and rituals that are implemented in an effort to make sleep happen, to avoid wakefulness, and/or to get rid of difficult thoughts and feelings.

All our attempts to get rid of this difficult stuff are completely understandable and yet they can end up creating a struggle since our own experience often tells us that we cannot directly or permanently control sleep or what we think or feel.

The more we try, the more we can struggle. And, the more we struggle, the more energy we consume and the more distracted we can become from living the life we want to live and the world around us.

So, the focus of my course is on helping clients to create and maintain good conditions for sleep and then responding to nighttime wakefulness and the difficult thoughts and feelings associated with it in a workable way. A way that doesn’t involve trying to fight or avoid this difficult stuff, but involves practicing acknowledging it and responding to it with less struggle.

That way, we have more energy to do the things that matter and we are better able to live our life independently of sleep and what we’re thinking and feeling.

As we become more skilled in this way of responding, all the difficult stuff might start be less influential. When it’s less influential, we might be less likely to get tangled up in a struggle with it — and, in turn, it might become less powerful, less noticeable, and occur less frequently.

Typically, the less of a focus sleep becomes and the better able we are to do things that matter — independently of sleep — the less influence sleep can have over our lives, and the more effortless it starts to become.

My online course explores the implementation of a sleep window but, other than that, it’s quite a different approach to CBT-I — it’s grounded primarily in the philosophy of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).

ACT has been found to have a significant effect on insomnia and sleep quality. It has also been recognized as an alternative option for those who do not respond well to CBT-I.

What are your qualifications? Are you a doctor? Are you professionally trained in this area?

I am not a doctor. In terms of my qualifications and training, I hold a Certification in Clinical Sleep Health (CCSH), I am a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES®), and I am an ACE Certified Health Coach.

The CCSH certification is an advanced level credential awarded by the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT). The BRPT is an independent, nonprofit certification board for sleep health professionals and is recognized by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). Obtaining CCSH certification requires clinical experience and/or an approved healthcare credential, passing a competency-based examination, and a commitment to continuing education.

The CHES® certification is awarded by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC). Established in 1988, NCHEC is the only accredited US certifying agency for the health education industry. Obtaining CHES® certification requires years of university-level academic study, passing a competency-based examination, and a commitment to professional competency through continuing education.

The ACE Certified Health Coach credential is the only health coach certification accredited by the NCCA and is awarded to individuals who have met the highest industry standard for health professionals. Obtaining this credential requires an approved healthcare credential and/or the appropriate education or experience, passing a competency-based examination, and a commitment to continuing education and professional development.

Aside from these credentials, I am also an ACE Behavior Change Specialist and I hold a master’s degree in health and wellness education. I have also taken numerous training courses related to insomnia, clinical sleep health, cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, positive psychology, and mindfulness — and I am always engaged in ongoing training and education.

You can learn more about my educational background and credentials by visiting my LinkedIn profile.

It feels as though insomnia has taken over my life in such a big way that I no longer know how to get back to the person I want to be and I am terrified to make plans or do things that matter to me. Can your course help?

A big part of the struggle often comes from how insomnia (and all the difficult thoughts and feelings that often come with it) can seem to take over and pull us away from doing things that matter and from living the life we want to live.

For this reason, my online course really focuses on these issues and challenges (especially in Weeks 4, 5, and 6). It will help you figure out exactly what matters to you, act in ways that reflect who you are and who you want to be, and move toward the life you want to live — even after difficult nights and even in the presence of difficult thoughts and feelings.

If you are ready to explore an approach that will help you get your life back from insomnia, I think you’ll find the online course helpful.

What is different about this course compared to other insomnia courses or programs?

I believe that I offer the best combination of experience, credentials, and proven results compared to courses or programs offered by other coaches.

My course combines multiple evidence-based approaches to insomnia. It doesn’t involve any sleep tracking, lab testing, or the purchase (or use) of gadgets, gizmos, or supplements. There are no rigid rules or rituals to endure, it won’t waste your time with the ineffective approach of sleep hygiene, and it includes all the best insights I’ve gained from helping over 10,000 people with insomnia over the past 13+ years.

It will not only help you create better conditions for sleep — it will also help you live the kind of life you want to live, independently of sleep.

What is the success rate?

This is a tough question to answer since people define success in different ways!

If your goal is to make a certain amount or type of sleep happen, this course might not be for you since one of its aims is to help you move away from trying to control sleep (since your experience probably tells you that the more you try to control sleep, the more you struggle).

If you are ready to practice a new approach; if you want to create the best possible conditions for sleep; if you want to reclaim your life from insomnia and free yourself from an endless struggle so you can live the kind of life you want to live — independently of sleep — I am confident that this course will help you reach those goals.

As of May 17, 2024, the average graduate of my online course reports an impressive 99% improvement in the quality of their sleep and 97% say they would recommend the course to a friend.

You can find more testimonials and success stories here.

Does the online course come with a money-back guarantee?

No. Your success depends upon you and your commitment to change. A money back guarantee gives you an incentive to quit. I want you to succeed. For change to happen, you need to be 100% committed. There are no refunds and there is no money-back guarantee.

What if I have a question that isn't answered here?

Please contact me and I’ll get right back to you!

Not ready for the Insomnia Coach course just yet?

Get my free sleep training for insomnia course.

  • Get 1 email every day for 2 weeks.
  • Learn how to improve your sleep.
  • Pay nothing (it’s free).

Over 10,000 people have taken the course and 98% would recommend it to a friend. Your email address will not be shared or sold. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy policy.