Forum Replies Created
✘ Not a client@happyface12 I am so sorry you are going through this too. It doesn’t make it easier but it does help to know you are not alone.
✘ Not a client@scottctj Hi, I have been restricting my sleep for four nights. My wake up/out of bed time is 6:30 and I have been going to bed at 12. I did this for three nights taking .5 mg of Ativan and, I think, slept through the sleep window. If I woke up I don’t remember. Last night I tried without the Ativan and only slept two hours. I was awake the rest of the night. I got out of bed when I first woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep. I went into another room and tried to read with a soft light but could never go back to sleep as my mind was racing and stayed up the rest of the night. I am not napping during the day. I was diagnosed with long haul Covid after having an extremely mild case the first of September. I went back to work for a week after my infection and apparently contracted another virus when I went back. This was confirmed in a test at my doctor’s office. I dealt with extreme stomach issues and lost 20 pounds as I was unable to eat. I also developed the extreme anxiety and was put on a low dose of Lexapro in addition to the Ativan. I feel like the Lexapro has helped some and my stomach issues are getting better slowly but surely. I am maintaining my weight right now but have been unable to put any on yet. I have been out of work this whole time which has wrecked my schedule and confidence. My anxiety now seems to be sleep focused as I am scared of not sleeping and really resistant to having to take the Ativan. I am terrified of taking it but right now it’s the only way I can sleep. Sorry for the long response but I felt the background was important to my story. I have never had insomnia before and have never really had major anxiety before.