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✘ Not a clientIt definitely sounds like postpartum anxiety, based on my personal experience and how my midwife described it. And given how early you are postpartum and breastfeeding, your hormones definitely could be all over. If it’s as severe as you described, I would recommend continuing to work with your OB to find a medicine that works. There are alternative therapies too you could look into with holistic practicioners. Be aware that prescription drugs and alternative supplements both take a few weeks to build up in your system to start working effectively so give them time. Unfortunately there isn’t a one size fits all solution, but please persevere and keep looking for something that will work for you! I tried Zoloft but I didn’t adjust to side effects well, which I believe also hurt sleep. For me I’ve been doing lots of self care, using the support networks I have to help with anything I needed, and have tried multiple types of counseling to work through and relieve anxiety. I also eat healthy, take vitamins, exercise (walk, yoga), and practice mindfulness. You are not alone, sister; many women have experienced this. Please be encouraged.
My baby didn’t sleep through the night until 16mos so sleep was a wreck until then. Insomnia is more recent, over the last month since weaning him at 18mos. So likely to do with hormones and bad sleep patterns that accumulated.
✘ Not a clientJoimichele1 – I’m so sorry for your struggles! I totally understand
Breastfeeding and frequent night wakings from baby were the cause of my disrupted sleep patterns and now lately the more frequent insomnia. Your baby is still super young but I know that doesn’t make it any easier. Is there anyone who can watch your baby at night and give them bottles of milk? This might help you out on an occasional basis. Is the insomnia creating anxiety or did you have it before insomnia started? I started having anxiety around 6 months postpartum, likely due to the changes in sleep. I would seek out any support you have to help care for baby and you to get some good self-care! Do you have a good midwife/OB to discuss how you’re doing/feeling?
✘ Not a clientI started this week with a therapist and after logging my sleep on an app the week before meeting him, I knew I was averaging 6.5 hours of sleep a night. So I’m restricting my time in bed for that amount with a set bedtime and wake time.
Since you mentioned that my case is common, do you know of any specific groups/forums for moms with sleep issues?