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✓ ClientMartin, i will try the AWAKE exercice even with anxiety itself, i will let anxiety happen and even if it hurts physically i will try to do an activity or so because i cant close my eyes and rest when i am having an inconfortable feeling in my chest. The thing is, even the chest pain and burning feeling in my heart, i close my eyes and try to rest and i suffer a lot because i know at some point around 5am, i will drift off to sleep for 30min or 1 hour so i that’s what i hope for during the whole night otherwise it is gonna be a sleepless night and my anxiety will be worst the next day… my anxiety is that severe is because i am pregnant and this insomnia has not come in the right time with all the hormones and sensitivity.
✓ ClientI hope to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon. For me, it looks like i have lost faith that i can put self in bed and sleep after few hours… the moment i go to bed my anxiety kicks in i sweat, i have a fear sensation in my chest and i feel very anxious even if i dont think about anything, i started anti-anxiety meds because it has been almost 2 months now and i can’t continue like this plus i am pregnant and i have labor and postpartum to go through. i am more anxious about sleep anxiety than sleep itself … just thinking that i will be laying in bed having anxiety non stop, tossing around and listening to classic music for hours untill 4am destroys me. i have had night where i didnt sleep but i had less anxiety and i felt relaxed, indeed i was not afraid of wakefulness and was willing to repeat it over with no problem, but it’s the anxiety that is the problem not wakefulness … the trick is to be able to tolerate and live through anxiety which is almost impossible for those who really experience anxiety with physical symptoms, it is horrible.
✓ ClientMy anxiety doesn’t come as thoughts only, the thoughts i can let them go. My anxiety is automatic as soon as i put myself in my bed after 30min or 1hour i start to have physical symptoms like heart pounding and fear, sweating and just feeling so bad and anxious it is horrible to live that it is not a panic attack since it stays for hours untill i get tired …
I feel like i am living in hell and i cannot control those physical symptoms i am more worried about this anxiety than lack of sleep…. it seems like my mind or subconscious mind cannot accept the idea that i do not sleep the whole night even that i spend the next day ok and it seems that i have an irrational fear of 0 sleep nights that i cannot control with my conscious thoughts or maybe it is phobia of getting in bed and having to try to sleep and going though all the feelings of anxiety. I feel like i cant be helped and i am a hopeless case, i am doing hypnotherapy and it is doing nothing, next i have to look for a therapist and i dont even believe this can be sorted out by talking …. i am very desperate i dont see light at the end of the tunnel.abdiradia
✓ ClientActually, 3-4hours of sleep is not little sleep, you can function very well with 4 hours sleep. To make you feel better i sleep 0-1 hour per night all nighter and my anxiety doesn’t come in form of thoughts only, it comes in physical form as sweating, heart palpitation, alertness and ..etc. You can acknowledge your thoughts and let them pass and shift your focus to acceptance and more positive neutral ones that’s what i do or at least try
✓ ClientHello,
I would like to know if there are some folks here with severe insomnia symptoms like 0 to 1hour sleep per night. i am in the struggle for the last 4 weeks some days of course i sleep more hours but maybe it happens once a week or so. This is so intense that my sleep anxiety gets triggered automatically at night with physical sensation (heat, sweating, feeling of fear at my chest) which makes me alert and i can’t seem to break the cycle cause the more i have intense insomnia nights the more my anxiety get uncontrolled the less sleep i get so insomnia and anxiety feed of each other and it is a vicious cycle hard to break without medication. I definatly think that if you sleep 3 hours a night the struggle is less than with 0 and the anxiety is less also so you can get out of the cycle easily but i am looking here for some stories on how people overcame severe insomnia like this one, i cant see a way out without medication honestly. Maybe medication with the help of this course can break the cycle. Let me know your thoughts