I have one more question. I am very much a morning person and so getting out of bed at 5am is not an issue. Right now my sleep window is 10:30 to 5. My sleepiness has proven to be very much around 9:30, 10pm.
Do you recommend I change my sleep window to 10 to 4:30 rather than push it to 10:30?
Thanks for the advice!
Flight 11, I don’t know if I can help but I can empathize. What you describe is anxiety and I have found the new book Unwinding Anxiety helpful towards learning to breathe through these episodes, practice mindfulness, and generally recognizing and accepting the feelings you describe. The book is good and the application is very helpful. It is subscription based and the techniques and philosophy regarding anxiety is very validating and helpful. There are people from all over the world who are members of the community, many of them with sleep issues. Good luck to you. You describe perfectly what I was experiencing a few months ago. I have less physical symptoms than I had and I still have sleep issues based on worry as Martin describes but the actual expression of the experience of anxiety is much abated.
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