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  • dagda1
    ✘ Not a client

    I think the problem with me and the sleep window is that I don’t have any trouble falling asleep. I don’t worry about that. I do have issues remaining asleep.

    The sleep window seems geared towards people who have trouble initially falling asleep.

    Last night for example, I actually got to bed a bit later after watching TV with the family until 12am and then after 1 hour of reading, I was asleep for about 1am.

    I then woke at 3:30 and could not get back to sleep until I got up, did a bit of light stretching, meditated and then fell back to sleep around 4:30 before getting up at 6am.

    I do not let it ruin my life, and I go to the gym or run or whatever after my sketchy 4 hours of sleep. I can’t remember when I last had more than 5 hours sleep.

    Getting up at the same time each day does not seem to combat my sleep problems. I don’t understand why my brain is actively engaged after a few hours sleep. I am not even that stressed about it, it more feels like a habit I have somehow aquired.

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