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✘ Not a clientLike are you needing to get up at all for SC?
✘ Not a clientOut of curiosity what do u deem a good night Deb? Just trying to understand for myself what is good and bad
✘ Not a clientHey Deb, do you find that the anti-anxiety medication has made the anxiety lessen at all? I’m debating whether I should be taking one. I’ll go through a few good days, but then one bad night will set me off again. Then feel incredible anxiety, verging on panic attacks
✘ Not a clientYeah I was hopeful. But now back in a bad spell again
✘ Not a clientI had a string of around 3 good nights in a row last week. Then I have one I classify as not great and it throws me off again and I start to become anxious again even if I’m exhausted. Talked to my CBT-I person yesterday and they thought either I should push my start time later to 12:30 or I should better address my anxiety through CBT. I don’t think 12:30 would help. Already feel very tired by 12:00.
✘ Not a clientYeah I guess I understand the SR and SC parts, but having trouble with applying the CBT part of CBT-I. The changing the anxious behavior and negative thoughts. Guess need to practice mindfulness and meditation more.
✘ Not a clientThanks Deb for the support. Much appreciated. Yeah it’s been rough for me. Guess I want to see some consistency. Not there yet
✘ Not a clientI was also interested in knowing how long it took to see some progress. I’m in week 2 but feel like the restriction is making me a bit anxious since I have less time in bed.
✘ Not a clientThanks Deb. Yeah I’m honestly struggling with the anxiety part of it even when exhausted. Thanks that was encouraging.
✘ Not a clientDo you feel the antidepressant has helped the anxiety at all yet? I know you had mentioned you started not long ago.
I have a CBT-i specialist I’m seeing. But yeah if that’s not working well, I might have to talk to Martin
✘ Not a clientI guess I’m having problems with the SRT myself. I’m not seeing progress on week 2. If anything it’s caused me to be more anxious and I’m getting even less sleep. Maybe I need an antidepressant.
✘ Not a clientYep trying to do that too
Yeah wish I could go up at the same time as my wife. Still trying to adjust to that too.
✘ Not a clientAah ok thanks Deb. I’m trying a window of 12:00 – 6:15 right now. Yeah very hard to stay up until 12. Feel like I’m dozing sometimes before that time. Maybe that’s not good.
✘ Not a clientOh how could I be doing SC wrong? Aren’t I just getting out of bed if sleep doesn’t happen?
✘ Not a clientI’m trying to do the sleep restriction now. Had put it off forever. It’s been a week. Having a rough go of it. I understand the logic of it, but the anxiety doesn’t seem to be dissipating. How long did it take before people saw some results?