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It works and it feels like a miracle
I remember being about half way through this course and wondering how many days I would need to sle…
- 4
- 1 weeks, 4 days ago
Graduation Relapse
I got so excited to get through weeks 6. Some great wisdom there. I loved the idea of not having …
- 3
- 1 months ago
Doing better
I just completed the course so thought I’d share my experience. I’ve struggled with in…
- 3
- 1 months ago
Continued access
I’ve been away on holiday for a couple of weeks so am behind schedule with the course and my 6 week…
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- 1 months, 3 weeks ago
Feeling proud
Feeling proud because after 2 nights of very little sleep I went out with my running group yesterda…
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- 2 months, 1 weeks ago
Should I use AWAKE exercise during the day or only at night?
While going about my normal day I’m sometimes hijacked by a past trauma, that I often revisit at ni…
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- 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Stimulus control and misery
I’m so glad you don’t believe getting out of bed when you can’t sleep is nessesary to avoid wakeful…
- 3
- 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Thank you, we are not alone
Having just signed up I just want to express my relief at discovering the ACT approach. After 2 yea…
- 2
- 3 months ago
It works and it feels like a miracle