Forum Replies Created
Gemma2906✘ Not a client
So even if you are anxious you stay in bed? I had an email from the Insominia Coach yesterday advising if you are associating the bed with unpleasant wakefullness to get out of bed so I am now really confused.
I was so hopefully and prepared to me so committed to this process I feel even less confident and more confused!
Gemma2906✘ Not a clientThanks for the reply but now I am really confused
Day 7 advised the following: Ultimately, the only way to change this learned association is to get out of bed or do something more pleasant whenever nighttime wakefulness doesn’t feel good. Over time you will break the association between the bed and unpleasant wakefulness and learn to associate the bed with sleep — but only if you are consistent!
So I am starying bed or getting out of bed!???? This has made me feel even more stressed and anxious as although keep getting up is a bit of a pain at least I felt I was foing something to take back control.
Gemma2906✘ Not a clientHi
I am exactly the same. I would love to be getting 4 hours sleep. I go 2 nights without sleep then have a night with a couple of hours then another 2 nights without sleep.
And I feel dreadful in the day. I try to mask it and pretend I am coping. It is easier said then done to just forget about it when you find the situation stessful so completely understand where you are coming from. -