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ginger2003✘ Not a client
Ok I'll play too…
I worry far too much about what other people think of me (and always have)
I love reality tv especially the trashy programmes like jersey shore
I was the second person involved in finding a naked dead guy in a hospital car park
My favourite past time is reading
I have always wanted to live by the sea.
ginger2003✘ Not a client'Martin' wrote on '15:I would suggest taking a sick day. I understand your hesitation, though – since most don't understand what insomnia really is or just how debilitating it can be. Driving while sleepy is dangerous and (in my opinion) you shouldn't take the risk.
Thanks Martin. I actually went in, I managed to get 4 hours sleep so could just about function but I was very glad to get through the day and get home again!
ginger2003✘ Not a client'Martin' wrote on '15:Welcome to Insomnia Land, Nikki and thank you for introducing yourself. Do you find your bouts of sleeplessness to be triggered by anything in particular, or do they just appear at random?
Hi Martin, thanks for the welcome.
Sometimes my insomnia is triggered by obviously stressful things or if I know I have a particularly important day or event coming up but sometimes nothing obvious triggers them- like this time around.
ginger2003✘ Not a client'Mike wrote on '16:Hey, Nikki, sorry I addressed you as Ginger.
Thank you- don't worry it's fine 🙂