To be honest, it came down to recognizing that my sleep anxiety was just regular anxiety that had attached itself to the issue of sleep. As a Christian, I believe God controls all things, ultimately, and that he is in the business of setting people free from their sometimes self-induced mental prisons. I had lost sight of that. My story is strange in that my sleep anxiety was very strong and lasted long after I had implemented Martin’s sleep techniques. And then one day it simply lessened about 85%. Yes, it felt that sudden. It has returned only very occasionally and it’s weak and unconvincing when it does try to return. I’d be happy to talk with you about it privately over email, if you’re interested. You can reach me at hrthurman@yahoo,.com
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6 30-minute phone/video coaching sessions with Martin Reed.
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My six-week insomnia coaching course will give you everything you need to stop struggling with insomnia. Choose an option below and you can get started right now.
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