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Ingeborg✘ Not a client
Saw my Dr. Today, said you are looking good. I felt rotten as I hardly slept last nite. I was listening to some nature music which is very relaxing. Fell asleep in the chair and woke about one hour later. Did not look at the clock but my mind said the last time you did this and went to bed you could not sleep. This is exactly what happened again! Forgot your message from a few days ago. My Dr. Is going to slowly wean me off one of my antidepressants and said we can try something else for sleep such as tradazone? I told him about your app and he said oh good. Will see him again in two weeks.
Ingeborg✘ Not a clientYes my insomnia is also very severe the past 5months. Most nites I do not sleep at all. See my note about years of insomnia.
Ingeborg✘ Not a clientI have always been quite a anxious person.It probably started when I was fairly young. I was the last child to leave home and slept above my mother and Dad, they would go to bed and argue and I felt responsible for my mother’s safety. Over the years I have had periodic depression episodes, ie. every 5years or so. I have been on antidepressants for at least 20years. At these times I have severe insomnia. My Dr. changed my med. when this last episode happened early March of this year. I tried sleeping pills for a long time but weaned myself off a number of years ago. The antidepressant helped make e drowsy and so I was able to sleep. I have always had very vivid dreams. I have been on three different antidepressant since April but they have not helped. I have also been on anti anxiety meds. I have not had a good sleep in about 5months. I look forward to getting some help with my sleep as I have been fixated over it. I also want to get off some of my meds as I am doopy for most of the day. I see my Dr. Weds.