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mariposa34✘ Not a client
sorry the links pulled the whole videos ..still pretty new to this site .. oops ..
mariposa34✘ Not a clientaww ty martin for repling back yes i have been on a rollercoaster ride i feel straight from hell ahh ..but proud to say last night i got 3-4 hrs of sleep and trying to fight off a bad cold .. i feel lil groggy but not so bad at least my head dont feel like a air balloon lol and no anxitey today ..but i wanted to share acuple things that has helped me and maybe mite help sum one else …
for the anxitiy /panick/ tremors and wt i call energy palpitations in yur chest or stomack area giggles ..i know the er doctors thaught i was nuts lol but i new diffrent .. i even had a stress test done to rule out my heart cus of stress and every thing was good .. any ways …it works. main thing is not to think about it focus on sumthing else ..even if yur hearts pounding if you give in to the energy it gets stronger and you feel more crazier ….. i know ..
then i also had a fear that if i sleep ill die .. crazy as it sounds i actully felt like my organs were shutting dwn heart ..weak pulse i would call 911 cus thaught was bracicardia sp .. apoligys dam ambien grr ) so then get to hosp . and turns in to a full blown panick attack not fun ahh they give me 1mg of adivan but after aversed affect before taking benzos adivan just regulate heart rate but never put me out ahh so no sleep ..i would litterly feel in tune with my body it was weird like if i smoked a cig i could feel my heart pounding and bp go up or if i drank any thing with caffine ..i can feel my pulse racing… my body would tremor like i had a current of energy racing through me or like you been put on jumper cables all day …i had confussion and tingling on top my head i see lights flashing out corner of my eyes . or if i was near a light it flash ..witch i got that tingling feeling on celexa to felt like my brain was on fire after a wk on that i stopted taking it no ty … i also had aditory hallusinations and felt out a body .. i felt really weird .. i also if could not sleep i find my self watching the clock ahh and every time i was to look at clock it say like 2:11am or 4:44am or so on always more with numoral 11 in it or i see the numoral out side too like cars or adresses …i would sit there closeing my eyes still praying to go to sleep but my mind wouldnt shut up kept going going i tried meditation with chakra healing and i thaught thats wt gave me the energy i was going crazy more and more … so google and me became best friends .. for 3 and half months day n night ..i try to do any thing i can find … to help or understand whats going on with me .. and i came acrossed this witch blew my mind because i still look and see 11s every were .. iam not gonna fib though my fear is dieing and leaving my kids and fiance always have been … i had all of theses signs and a loop of emotion .. ..
so then i relized i need to change my life allittle and last night i tried sumthing i took my normal wind dwn bath and put water over my eyes and pluged my nose and let go felt as if head got lighter then i cleaned my ears cus that tinitus feeling makes any 1 go crazy my eyes were so blurry from not sleeping felt dizzy lil so got out tub ..looked in the mirror said i will not live like this and plugged my nose 1 more time and every thing like popped i can hear i can see i felt head lighter i was like hmm wts going on ..
and thaught ahh its all in my head giggles .. so then i got sum milk and went upstairs and tried sumthing i googled of course breathing tech . i tried this before but sum reason as soon as i felt i was going in deep sleep the fear of dieing go through my head and i awaken it to be a panick attack it happen every night .. but i did it again last night but said to my self ..i am not affraid to die or will i die and i dont have control if i do only god dose and asked for micheal ark angel to watch and protect me and family and said my prayers and i put my hand on my stomach and did the breathing tech . and it worked i fell asleep from 10:30pm to 2:30am cus i had to pee but could not get back to sleep but hay its a start i feel and with out no sleeping meds … i also had a dream witch before it felt like my mind was clogged or wt i call yur 3rd eye would not open i exsplain it like movie the never ending story the nothing ness hmm .. idk …but today i feel good ,happy, heads clear eyes clear no tremors … just feels good
so if you can't sleep maybe you should try this tech . it mite help turn yur mind off or put in shut dwn mode .. wt ever you do dont think about sleep cus it makes yur mind hyper and wont shut up lol .. try milk too i read it helps with seritonin in are brain salt or food after 7pm in less a snack like apples or grapes or cherries caffine ,no cigs after 7pm it helps …
i hope and pray something works for you guys every bodys diffrent and wt mite work for one person mite not for another but dont hurt to try … gl you guys i hope i am on a path to recovery as well i luv my sleep .. lol and wt ever you do stay away from benzos ..i will never take one ever again … zanax ,adivan no ty … or ambien ..
i just hope if i was going through the spirtual awaking ..that now i am awake cus 3 months was pure hell day in day out hosp . taking care of kids ext .. have a great day every one … and god bless each and every one of you ….