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  • in reply to: SRT combined with sleep aids #29289
    ✘ Not a client

    Thank you Martin, the video and your reply have helped to put my mind at ease about this. I’ll keep practising the CBTi techniques and look to come off the medication, with my Dr’s help, when I feel ready.

    in reply to: SRT combined with sleep aids #29227
    ✘ Not a client

    That’s a very good point about taking anti-anxiety so close to bedtime and building an association that you need that pill to be able to sleep. I think this association builds for many people using sleep aids too and that’s why they can be hard to stop, especially the longer you’re on them for. I want to be able to sleep without any medication but part of me is anxious about stopping or tapering it down and how this could lead to things to get worse for a while.

    in reply to: SRT combined with sleep aids #29177
    ✘ Not a client

    Thanks for the reply Aiva, I’m finding it can be almost like chicken and egg with the anxiety and sleep cycle. Reducing/getting rid of the anxiety will improve sleep and, simulataneously, once we start sleeping better the anxiety around it should reduce too. I guess tackling and reigning in that anxiety really is the key to getting better and sometimes we may need a little help with this in the short-term with medication, just whilst we get back to something a little more normal sleeping-pattern wise. I don’t see the harm in doing this if you feel it will be beneficial.

    Like yourself,  I was an imovane for a very short period – I found it worked relatively well to get me to sleep but not to stay asleep. I had such awful nausea whilst on it that I only took it for a few days before my Dr prescribed me something else. I was also given diazepam for two days in the hope it would chill me out enough to kick me back into a more normal sleeping pattern. Though it didn’t get me back to my old self, it did really help with the anxiety but they wouldn’t give me anything more than two day’s worth as they don’t seem to like prescribing it long term over here in the UK. They did try me on duloxetine for a week but it gave me palpitations and can be stimulating, rather than aiding sleep so I’m not on anything for my anxiety at the moment. I might ask again for something, just whilst I recover. I mentioned doing SRT to my Dr when I saw her last week but I didn’t directly ask her if it was ok to do it whilst on the tablets, so will call to check.


    Wishing you all the best.

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