Also over exercise can keep your body up too so make sure to take extended breaks
I’ve found obsessing about doing everything right only makes it worse. I’ve done all the things you have including Xanax here and there. I’d try shortening your sleep window.
No caffeine or nicotine?
Thanks Borgesbi. It is very reassuring to hear from someone who has experienced it and gotten over it, shows that it isn’t a permanent condition that most insomniacs think something is wrong with their brain/body. I tried a 6 hour sr for a while but kinda fell off of it. Will probably go back to a shorter window.
Hi Bluesky, I empathize I’ve punched quite a few holes in the wall at 3 am in the past 5 months. I’m not a fan of getting up and reading in the middle of the night either. One thing that has worked well for me is when I’m in bed awake for awhile I try progressive muscle relaxation while still laying in bed. I keep doing it over and over again, if you keep doing it and focus only on the exercise it is somewhat meditative and becomes boring. Has helped me calm down from the frustration and trail off relatively well.
Also don’t beat yourself up about being angry or anxious, forgive yourself. I’ve found a good mantra is “expect nothing, appreciate everything”.
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