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  • in reply to: A bit Of fun #9855
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    a “try” sexual at

    in reply to: Insomnia Medications #10540
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    I just wanted to add one quick warning, because it is such a popular supplement and because so many people use it for insomnia, PLEASE folks, be careful and use Melatonin carefully. Much to the retread of tolerance factor, the same thing can happen with herbal/natural remedies. Melatonin is particularly tricky, versus say Valerian, because your body produces melatonin naturally and if you supplement it regularly, medical fact, your body will come to expect it in pill form and produce less which can cause all kinds of problems. I've experience this myself, and talked to several doctors who agreed, so please, just a word of caution, Melatonin is great (particularly for getting over jet lag) but be very careful about using it too often. All too often people assume herbal/natural remedies are completely safe and harmless, and often they are not, or worse.

    in reply to: Insomnia Medications #10539
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    I know it's not a med, but I agree with you 110% percent WolfBitTink. (extra 10% was extra credit, because I did a project.) Lol.

    And I'm sorry to hear you suffer from so many intermingling conditions. 🙁

    Not to stray too far off topic, since this is the meds thread, but I cannot say ENOUGH about what a GOOD matress and pillow will do. You don't need expensive Memory Foam or top-of-the-line, but the best thing I did for my sleeping (and back and neck pain) was invest in an expensive (but reasonable) mattress. In fact, I used to travel a lot, and while some hotels I stayed at (the expensive ones) had awesome mattresses and pillows, others…not so much…and the results…not so good.

    The best time to buy a “good” entry level quality mattress (I worded that poorly, but basically a lower-end premium mattress, instead of “whatever you inherited”) is when mattress and dept. stores have their end-of-year model sales. You can snag some awesome deals with mattress end-of-year clearance sales or mismatched box springs and mattress sets (which are really irrelevant since your sheets and comfortor/blanket should mask that anyways.)

    in reply to: I CAN'T DO WITH OUT MY?? #10715
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    Gee, I am SHOCKED, utterly shocked at this mention of caffeine so often in people's lists. What is this “caffeine” and where can an insomniac acquire some??? Oh, wow, it's actually legal to order 4 shots of espresso, iced, and sweetened. Thank you, FDA.

    in reply to: Recommended Books #9761
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    I don't read. Anymore. Not so much. But I used to read. Books. And stuff.

    But just to push books on people, I highly suggest the massively dense and superbly structured “Life: A User's Manual” by French author Georges Perec. Georges Perec is perhaps best known for his school of thought/experiments in writing, most notably “A Void” which was written entirely without the letter “E” and in fact, does not use the letter “E” in the book, and that plays a role in the plot, so I hear.

    But “Life: A User's Manual” (not a self-help book) is truly epic, truly puzzle-box, and utterly brilliant book that most people haven't read or heard of. I've been meaning to read it again actually, but my roommate is borrowing it to keep dust off her shelf.

    in reply to: A bit Of fun #9853
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    def. locked and loaded

    in reply to: Getting to know you… how? #10697
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    I'm still trying to figure out how you “found” me, Martin. It must've been some random tweet, because I don't think I really talk about insomnia that much on Twitter. Maybe it was my intellectual discussions, like today, when I went back and forth talking about nuts with a friend…as in cashews, honey roasted peanuts, and crazy people. I'm very fortunate to have found you, this site, and made some awesome friends.

    in reply to: Seen any good movies recently? #9058
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    OMG. Someone needs to make that Edward Cullen image a full sized poster. I will hang it outside my window which faces the rapid transit train so TONS of people will see it as they go to work, etc. I guess that means I have to take down my naked anime girls. KIDDING. No, my window is boring. It's also dirty. Like, actually dirty, not like…nevermind. Lol.

    in reply to: Seen any good movies recently? #9057
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    'Kik' wrote on '13:

    I still haven't seen The Notebook, mostly because my girlfriends have gone on about it so much 😮 . Loved Ryan Gosling in Half Nelson and thought he was okay in Lars and the Real Girl though.

    Definitely wouldn't call English Patient a chick flick. Then again, a 'Girl's Night In' film for me would be anything with Christian Bale in it (preferably roided up and topless, but it's not a dealbreaker :D). Have you seen Rescue Dawn? I love that movie!

    Yeah, it's romance and drama, but I wouldn't have put it in that category. It's a “prestige” picture, with 9 Oscars to go with it. I'm impressed you've seen Lars and the Real Girl & Half-Nelson, those are some pretty artsy movies…and I am ashamed to admit they've been perpetually in my Netflix queue. Again, “The Notebook,” wasn't really bad, I just found it utterly mediocre, not bad, just the most generic story ever.

    Christian Bale is always good, I don't suggest you see him shirtless in “The Machinist” though. Lol.

    Yes, “Rescue Dawn” was interesting, I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, but quite a well-done film. Bale seems to be the rare actor that can do artsy roles (“The Machinist,” “Rescue Dawn”) and make substance out of mainsteam ones (I thought he was good in even “Terminator: Salvation” and of course “The Dark Knght.”) I admire him for that. He's crazy talented.

    in reply to: Seen any good movies recently? #9054
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    Just to be fair, Edward sparkled in first “Twilight” movie like a dull cubic zirconia. And if there's one thing worse than a cubic zirconia, it's a dull cubic zirconia. Also, he's kind of dull and creepy. I prefer my vampires Bill Compton style, thank you. 😛

    in reply to: Visiting the Doctor #10574
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    One thing I might suggest, since we may have more in common than just mental health and insomnia…my experience has been with ALL sleep meds (I've been on a lot) and meds in general (psych. meds, allergy meds, etc.) I quickly build up an illogical tolerance to them and they stop working after varying amounts of time. One thing we have done to combat this is to constantly switch meds/dosages, and in particular with sleep medicine to use it as sparingly as possible (using it only when necessary, more often if I'm in a bad phase.) My most recent and current med is ambien, which stopped working weeks after I was taking it as prescribed. Now, I only take it maybe 2-3 times a week, never more than 2 days in a row, and for the most part it continues to work for me. Just a thought…

    in reply to: A bit Of fun #9850
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    that trendy L.A. hotel

    in reply to: hi :) #10832
    ✘ Not a client

    Welcome. Sounds like you got quite the satisfying and productive full plate for you. Congrats on that!!!

    in reply to: The Weather #10629
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    We've been having a little issue with Mother Nature. Seems she's going through some mood instability. Today cold, very windy, looks like a rainstorm coming any minute. Past few days, sunny and hot (well, hot for here.) In other words, typical Northern California weather. Lol.

    in reply to: A bit Of fun #9841
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    red bull commercials, true

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