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✘ Not a clientThe initial run was somewhere between 3 and 4 months and what triggered it was a health scare + work stress. For the first time in my life I had not only 1 night of no sleep but 2 in a row, which gave me a massive panic attack. Because before that if I had 1 night of no sleep i’d always crash early the next night. I remember it slowly getting better, and if I got 5 hours of sleep a night I would be so happy because its better than 0. Now when I get 5 i feel horrible.
✘ Not a clientI am having the exact same problem right now. My current patch of bad sleep is not nearly as bad as my original “big one” which initially triggered my fear of insomnia. I was up for days at a time with that one, but with this current sleep disturbance its just the random wakenings (every night I wake up at least 2 or 3 times and have to fall back asleep all over again) and sometimes takes a bit long to fall asleep initially. But still it hurts knowing something is not right. I am starting to believe this could be something I have to deal with for the rest of my life. I had darn near 2 years of perfect sleep between my current problem and my initial one, but some work stress + medication change brought some terror back. Sorry I cannot add much, just you are for sure not the only one going through this. Hopefully we can learn tools to keep it away for good eventually, but the pessimist in me has doubts. I read comments on youtube and reddit about people having insomnia for 10, 20, 30 years. It makes my heart sink.
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
✘ Not a clientThat’s great to hear. I’m an active person so its really hard for me to enjoy the day when I am on low sleep, i’m trying to work on that.
✘ Not a clientEven way before I had insomnia, I would always awaken after 2 – 3 hours when I drank. Its pretty normal for alcohol to do that. In fact I used to get up and drink a gatorade I had saved for this exact reason, watch youtube videos for an hour or so then go back to bed. This would happen pretty much every time I drank.
✘ Not a clientsame problem here
✘ Not a clientCan you go into detail when it started to get better? I also do not want to try SRT because I know what happened to you will surely happen to me, and I cannot risk that while employed. I’m currently dealing with the maintenance insomnia which I never had before.
✘ Not a clientI am also having this problem, waking up between 3 – 5 times a night.
✘ Not a clientI am happy for you but I just cannot seem to frame my mentality towards sleep like this. I work 12 hour shifts so when I get no sleep or poor sleep I am in for a really painful day. Sleep is a huge deal to me, even on my days off I’m an active guy and my work outs are like the best part of my day now that I’m sober, and if I’m on bad sleep my work outs are also affected. Its just so depressing. But I’m glad I read your story because you are proof that you can fix your sleep naturally and be back to normal.
✘ Not a clientI can sometimes hear myself snore a little bit as I am drifting to sleep or about to wake up, that’s odd. I also wake up in a near panic attack every time I wake up. But it sounds like you’re slowly getting better, I heard seroquel W/D is brutal but 50mg is really low dose. I also used to get those jerks when I was W/Ding off opiates and up for days a time, they get bad when you’re anxious and sleep deprived. Once you get some solid sleep under your belt and anxiety under control they go away.
✘ Not a clientOnly thing that has helped me a little bit with that exact fear is the wim hof breathing method, hot baths, and magnesium supplements. I’ve noticed that putting “pressure” on sleep is extremely bad for sleep.
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by