Hi Edgar
I can relate to your story so much. I also resort to alcohol to get me through but unfortunately it has escalated where Im drinking a bottle of wine a night and wake up completely intoxicated and basically a wreck. I used to be able to control it but its just sheer desperation as I dont want to be awake for hours. I dont consider myself an alcoholic as my previous drink was five months ago when I had another binge drinking session. Got a sleeping tablet for tonight to get me through. I hope youre doing OK now.
Hi Angeli – thanks for the reply. Yes I know alcohol is not the answer but at 2.00 in the morning all my logic disappears unfortunately. My problem is falling asleep. I tend to panic if Im not asleep within ten minutes. So the wine it is – Ive learnt my lesson this time though as I woke up on the floor so things have to change! Once Im asleep Im generally OK.
I share your pain. I have suffered for many years and after drinking heavily for the last two nights just to get some shuteye, I have referred myself for some CBT as I have not tried it before . Ive also had zopiclone to get me back in routine but again thats just temporary. Its nice to read the success stories on here as there is hope.
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