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✘ Not a clientI come of them because of my health anxiety was getting better and had been on them for 8 years but yeah these tablets are great I woke this morning feeling great I had over 7 hours sleep without waking up I feel great just I can do it if I think positive I also tried brown noise on YouTube for sleep which I think relaxed me last night took me about an hour to sleep but better then taking 3 or 4 I hope it stays this way it was great getting up early having sleep and a nice coffee lol. I hope everyone can do it because it can be done
✘ Not a clientNo just weaned of them think it’s just my overactive mind of my anxiety and panic I’ve been taking mirtazapine the last two nights the first night I got about 5-6 hours sleep and last night I got about 3+ hours but hey I’m happy with that as it’s better then 0 or 1 or 2 hours so I’m very grateful it’s going to be a long process with good times but I’m going to try not to worry about it as much and give it a go with this medication my doc has put me on hopefully it works but I think my problem is my overactive anxiety mind as before I was ok before with sleep as I’d have 4 or 5 hours sleep on a normal night and I was fresh as a daisy the next day that was my sleep pattern I loved it compared to now but I’m gunna fight this and hopefully get back to that it’s going to hard but we can only try
✘ Not a clientI’m not doing too I’m shattered even now yesterday I only got an hours sleep earlier in the afternoon and an the night before and il lying here now think I’ve only had half hour I’m phoning my doc in the morning I can’t this it’s horrible and scary I’ve had bad nights sleep in the past but not like this I honestly feel like crying my eyes out I’m a 33 year old man with a nice parter and a beautiful 2 year old daughter and my life feels crap I hate this wish I cud rewind and go back a couple of weeks
✘ Not a clientI’m not doing too I’m shattered even now yesterday I only got an hours sleep earlier in the afternoon and an the night before and il lying here now think I’ve only had half hour I’m phoning my doc in the morning I can’t this it’s horrible and scary I’ve had bad nights sleep in the past but not like this I honestly feel like crying my eyes out I’m a 33 year old man with a nice parter and a beautiful 2 year old daughter and my life feels crap I hate this
✘ Not a clientI’m the same the anxiety is doing my head in I just can’t fall asleep we just have to stay strong and hopefully things will work out for the best this forum is great and everyone is going through similar issues and Martin makes a lot of sense please just take his advise talk to people it helps a lot I’m struggling bad but Ive got alot of faith and hoping I will get better soon I’m scared of course with me having health anxiety but maybe that’s my trigger and I can work on it hopefully tlyou will find your trigger goodluck I’m thinking of you all
✘ Not a clientShould I just get up and try again tonight or should I try and catch up on some sleep which is what I want to do
✘ Not a clientGetting sick of this really didn’t want to go back to my antidepressants but looks like I’m going to have to as I think it’s my health anxiety what’s causing my sleep problems it just won’t happen some nights my overactive mind is just panicking knowing I need sleep but mind says no thus is so horrible what in the hell do people do to deserve this
✘ Not a clientI’ve decided I’m going to quit drinking to help with my anxiety
✘ Not a clientFeeling abit better today I managed to get about 3 hours sleep took about 3 to happen but hey some sleep is better then none right
✘ Not a clientThanks a lot you guys yous are very understanding Ill certainly do my best to take your advise like I said I’ve had 10 years of health anxiety so as you can imagine my over active and over thinking mind can be all over the place I’m definitely goi g to take your advice and I hope everyone on here can get sorted I’ve read some horrific experiences on here and no one deserves these horrible things happening to them. Thanks a lot deb and Martin yous make alit of sense and your all a great bunch on here
✘ Not a clientThank you for your support deb it really means a lot I just hate these feelings when I’m just about to fall into a deep sleep I get these horrible zap jump feelings and my heart races it’s like I’m trying to hard I mean for years I’ve been the same my dad uncles and brothers are all the same as me where aslong as we can get 4+ hours sleep a night and we are fresh as a daisy which I’m fine with as I’m used to it it’s great but what I’ve been feeling lately is awful and I’ve seen people’s comments on here that are going through a lot worse and it’s so hard to explain without sounding selfish I know my trigger to this was my health anxiety and its been going great and I stopped my medication after 8 years over a month because believe it or not I stopped taking them because I was sleeping to much even sleeping through the night and even couple of times through the day and I’m starting my new job as a taxi driver in a few weeks but this is a new experience. Thank you so much for replying it means a lot I’m just really scared but people talking to me makes me feel abit better. Sorry for the long comment lol