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  • in reply to: Falling asleep to the TV #80748
    ✘ Not a client

    Chee this is so kind. Yes I’m regularly grateful to myself and for finding CBT-i! And even grateful for sleep restriction therapy although it did feel like the devil’s work at the beginning forcing myself to stay up so late lol 😈 The insomnia coach emails, podcast and a CBT–i app that I have been using have made an incredible difference for me! As you say, it’s all about learning to let go of the struggle, well.. there’s more to it than that, but that is a huge factor!

    Wishing you the best!


    in reply to: Falling asleep to the TV #80647
    ✘ Not a client

    Thanks Stacie! I’m sleeping so much better without electronics now that I’ve figured it out! Best of luck to you!

    Traci 🙂

    in reply to: Falling asleep to the TV #80645
    ✘ Not a client

    Thanks Chee! I’ve made a lot of progress and no longer have the tv or any device playing when I go to bed. I’m about ready to sell the small tv from my bedroom! I’ve also stopped all of my sleep meds since starting SRT and feeling really good!

    Sleep well 😴


    in reply to: early waking #79892
    ✘ Not a client

    That does sound typical with the sleep restriction. I’ve been reading to try not to think of the restriction as helping you sleep that particular night, but that over time it will improve your sleep drive and your sleep. I believe this also applies to the waking. Great advice above to accept the wakings as normal and learn not to stress about them (obviously easier said than done)!

    in reply to: Can anyone relate to these sleeping pill effects #79891
    ✘ Not a client

    Lozelise I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. I haven’t had that exact experience, but I can relate to sleeping meds not delivering the desired result. I’m glad you’re planning to work with your doctor to come off of those. I’m doing the same and have already reduced mine. I think you’ll find CBT-I helpful. Are you getting Martins emails? They’re super helpful! Wishing you the best!

    in reply to: Falling asleep to the TV #79827
    ✘ Not a client


    Thank you so much for your reply and all of your suggestions! The TV I’ve been falling asleep to is in my bedroom. It’s set on a timer to turn off about 2 hours after I go to bed. Starting tonight my plan is to not use the TV at all, rather I will start by having the streaming service on my phone for my show, but with the phone face down at my bedside where it usually is. I will also set it to a lower volume. This way I’m eliminating all of the light, reducing the sound disruption and technically I won’t have the TV on. I think this will be a good first step for me and then I could move towards swapping the streaming shows for relaxing music, a podcast or sleep story. Maybe eventually … nothing! I think by moving away from using the actual TV this will help me change that faulty thinking about “needing the TV on”.

    I also watch a few hours of TV before bed which is part of my nightly routine. I’ve used the settings on the TV to reduce the brightness and have ordered blue light glasses that I plan to wear while watching my evening TV (before bed) to hopefully reduce any impact the screen might be having on me before I go to bed. I’ll let you know how it goes!

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