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✘ Not a clientReally want to see Piggy, looks damn good.
Went and saw Spider-Man on Friday and damn it was amazing…pun intended!! Great Stan Lee cameo in it too as always.
The next big movie for me has to be The Dark Knight Rises…I am a bit of a comic book geek, so looking forward to this…especially as the movie will be based on the Knightfall saga.
✘ Not a clientHeaded back to the cinema recently and saw MIB3 and Prometheus…MIB3 was meh…but damn Prometheus was awesome!
I also saw Avengers…and that was most excellent.
If you want to see my reviews head to my blog
✘ Not a clientI was just about to say something similar, I find something new every time I go onto the internet. I have learnt a lot from it, and I am constantly doing so, the is an infinite fountain of knowledge waiting to be tapped if you know the right places to look (ie not wikipaedia lol) although I think I'd lose serious interest if there was nothing else I could learn.
However, saying that I have noticed a lot of communities I used to be in over the years have either fallen apart, the “old boys network” vanishes never to be traced again….or worst of all becomes and epic bitchfest. I used to do promotional art of sorts for an underground collectible and it meant that I used to be on a few forums as well as pretty much every social network you could imagine, and I found that social networking can get rather boring…and that the friends I have made online I tend to contact with other methods like Kik and Whatsapp Messenger. Other people I have comlpetely lost touch with (which I deeply regret) as they seem to have vanished without trace.
So yeah…six and two thress I suppose….at least places like Insomnialand are like a “Virtual Cheers”….sometimes you want to go where everybody knows you name 🙂
✘ Not a clientI really didn't rate THC2, I did watch it, despite not liking the original (which I thought was boring and didn't really have and shock or anything to it). I watched the Uncut version too, so I dread to think what the cut UK version is like.
Speaking of disappointment, I saw The Cabin In The Woods yesterday afternoon…although some clever parts, it was boring and predictible, and the twist in the tail was….rubbish.
✘ Not a clientWill anyone be watching Titanic 3D? I won't be, I saw the original version at a charity premiere and as much as it was a good movie I don't want to see it again.
✘ Not a clientRead a few books recently, it would appear that lack of sleep is allowing me to concentrate on reading…talk about damned if you don't!
I recently re-read Graham Masterton's The Heirloom, which is one of the two books by him that I have read many many times. It's about a man who comes into possession of a chair that he feels a little troubled about so he tries to get rid of it but it won't allow that to happen. It is a chair possessed by some kind of demon which causes all kinds of problems for him and his family.
✘ Not a clientI do actually do meditation on a regular basis, but it seems not to relax me currently to my frustration.
I think I may need to seek medical help if this carries on much longer, but we shall see.
✘ Not a clientI would like to throw my hat into the arena, but with a twist.
I have been suffering with depression since I was 14, but never took medication to try and manage it until about 11 years ago.
The odd thing is that I have bouts of sleeplessness since then…and I was going to ask if a) is it a case that insomnia/sleep issues are a symptom of depression, and 😎 should insomnia be classified as a mental Heath issue.
Not sure if that makes sense…hope so.
✘ Not a clientSounds good, hope to be able to attend this time!
✘ Not a clientThis is quite interesting, it does explain the soothing effect of a softly spoken voice.
✘ Not a client'Piffle' wrote:I just watched The Machinist. Fucking loved it. It was strange in amazing ways.
I really need to see this movie! I'll have to check for it on Netflix.
'BobbyP' wrote:Have recently watched Swedish version (with subtitles) of “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.” Have NOT seen the new American version. Has anyone seen both and found one to be better than the other?
The originals are awesome, I don't want to see the American versions, I think it will ruin it.
✘ Not a clientI have just downloaded Immortals, I'll be watching that in the next few days.
I guess most people will be buzzing about The Hunger Games. Looks interesting, not read the books yet, so I'll be getting those and reading them before I see this movie.
As bizarre as this may sound, I've not been watching many movies! The last one I watched was Incideous, which is about a possessed child. I thought it was quite slow and in my humble opinion quite boring. Pity as I'd heard it wasn't too bad.
✘ Not a clientGOOD TIMES
- I have invested in an iPad! I have a wifi-only 32Gb iPad2 which is a nice piece of kit and great for music and graphics. Pretty good for games too. It means now my laptop is like a “base station” where I can back up my iPhone and iPad and my music collection is still safe residing on an external hard drive.
- Next month, I'm upgrading from a 32Gb iPhone4 to a 64Gb iPhone 4S. Yeah I know that the new iPhone 5 is most likely to be just around the corner, but to be honest, I'm more interested in a phone with larger capacity and better camera….and then upgrade again in a couple years.
- No palpitations for almost 2 months! I honestly think that my heart being ablated has workd…at least for the short term.
- I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my right knee. This would not have bothered me too much except that has been diagnosed in my “good” knee, meaning I can do a really awful John Wayne swagger when I walk!
- The headaches are still there. They come and go, and they seem to settle over my right eye. Thankfully it is not down to a cranial bleed (I use anticoagulants) but are being caused by the nerve damage in my neck. I think the headaches are attacking my concentration too, as it feels a lot worse than usual.
- Sleep is driving me crazy….or should I say lack of it. I want to sleep, and when I do I'm having recurrent nightmares. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
✘ Not a clientWhen I was in hospital earlier this year it was noticed that my magnesium levels are low and I have been having troubles sleeping…although I thought it was the stress of being in hospital that kept me awake.
✘ Not a clientbut the worst was