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An insomnia professional I trust completely

As someone who treated insomnia professionally for years, I can tell you most insomnia advice out there is terrible. But Martin is one of the few insomnia professionals I trust completely and refer to all the time.
He’s great.
Real feedback and testimonials
These testimonials are examples of how my free sleep training course has helped others. Your results may vary. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.
My sleep has improved significantly

I was honestly going down a scary spiral of anxiety, depression and obsessive research about sleep techniques, sleep hygiene, supplements and pills… I even got a prescription for Trazodone from my doctor for a few weeks and took some melatonin alongside of it because I was so desperate.
Going through the email training gave me the confidence to get back off the meds/supplements, hopefully for good, and trust in my body’s ability to sleep. My sleep has improved significantly from a few weeks ago and I am so grateful for that. The story is still being written and I am hopeful with how these techniques will continue to improve my sleep going forward.
The best approach I’ve found

I have had insomnia issues off and on since I was young. Over time, I’ve taken supplements, Benadryl, and a stronger prescription (with its side effects). I tried sleep hygiene and doing things like trying to force sleep, staying in bed too long, and having a lot of anxiety about my lack of sleep, only perpetuated the problem.
I followed what Martin laid out and am sleeping longer hours, more deeply and notice the difference in my presence during the day which feels good. So much of the anxiety is gone and if I get off track I know I can get back on just from what I’ve learned.
This is the best approach I’ve found. What Martin offers is realistic and not pie in the sky. I highly recommend Martin’s program!
The anxiety is gone

The anxiety that developed as a result of my insomnia was excruciating. It was the usual cycle: lack of sleep produced anxiety, more anxiety produced lack of sleep. The information provided by Martin was incredibly enlightening.
Last night was the first night without any type of sleep medication and I slept great. The anxiety is gone and it is all a result of the knowledge which I now have regarding sleep. Martin you are a godsend thank you so much for what you are doing. Even my doctor really has no clue when it comes to insomnia as you laid it out.
More quality sleep

Having had chronic insomnia for many years, I had been trying to apply sleep hygiene advice and had tried various sleep aids to no avail.
The sleep training was very different. The array of techniques and advice were much more specific for someone with chronic insomnia.
After a few days of trying some of the new techniques I was already getting more quality sleep than I had in years. I have already recommended it to my friends with sleep issues.
I now realize that my body has had the ability to sleep all along, it just needed some specific support to restore the natural sleep/wake cycle.
This has made such a huge difference in my life. I feel as though I have access to my vitality again.
Impressively comprehensive and informative

For a free course this was impressively comprehensive and informative. The stuff on sleep anxiety and the compounding/perpetuating role of “struggle” and “effort” was very interesting.
The advice was always pertinent, clear, and grounded in clinical experience and scientific research. Very engaging. Even if you aren’t able to implement every suggestion/strategy there is bound to be something in it that improves your sleep or which, at the very least, allows you to climb into bed at night a less alone, less afflicted creature.
I found much improvement in two weeks

Even with over-the-counter sleep aids and prescription medication, my sleep was not good and the anxiety of waiting for sleep to come was frustrating. My anxiety had built so much during those sleepless nights that I was thrashing around, praying and sobbing.
I liked Martin’s course because I respond best to new modalities with detailed 1-2-3 type of plans that give you exact behavior to follow. Martin’s plan told me exactly what to do and identified my anxiety trying to fall asleep. I found much improvement in two weeks and accumulated a lot of helpful tips.
I would recommend this program to anyone who is ready to put in the effort. The course was very thorough, well thought out and information systematically delivered. It was truly helpful.
This free course has given me hope

Martin’s free sleep training course ultimately gave me the greatest gift anyone could desire, that being hope. Before the sleep training course I had been making progress with sleep, but still had this lingering anxiety associated with sleeping that consumed my thoughts throughout the day.
The turning point for me during the sleep training was the day after I had an unusually difficult night of sleep, maybe 2-3 hours. That day I found that I had energy to do my work and wasn’t nearly as anxious as I had been in the past.
This free course has given me hope that one day it will be gone and I will be free to sleep normal again.
This course was life changing

The sleep training helped me because it taught me that there was nothing wrong with me. That’s what I got caught up in and almost fell into a slight depression because of.
Education is key. The course was full of information allowing me to understand sleep and that our bodies will naturally do it, it’s not something that can be forced. Your body will welcome it and it never goes away. That’s what comforts me at night too. My body’s ability to sleep will always be there and that thought calms me too. No matter how stressed out or anxious I am, it will come. No sleeping pills or anything is even needed.
This course was life changing and I’m so grateful for it. I loved the program, thank you very much Martin.
I am no longer a slave of my insomnia

I was struggling with insomnia since my son was born and I was constantly cancelling activities with my friends and worrying about my sleep. It got to the point that I would be really anxious about the thought of just going to bed.
I got used to taking melatonin to help me sleep and I wasn’t able to quit it, until i found this course! I believed that I could not sleep without it and that something was wrong with me. I also believed that maybe some chemicals or hormones in my body were out of balance.
I was so relieved when I started to fall asleep without taking anything and not being too anxious when going to bed. Learning that my reaction to insomnia was key in the process of healing has liberated me. I am no longer a slave of my insomnia.
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My name is Martin Reed.
I have a master's degree in health and wellness education and I studied clinical sleep health through the University of Delaware.
I am also a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES®), I hold a Certification in Clinical Sleep Health (CCSH), and I am an ACE Certified Health Coach.
The CHES® certification is awarded by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC). Established in 1988, NCHEC is the only accredited US certifying agency for the health education industry. Obtaining CHES® certification requires years of university-level academic study, passing a competency-based examination, and a commitment to professional competency through continuing education.
The CCSH certification is an advanced level credential awarded by the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT). The BRPT is an independent, nonprofit certification board for sleep health professionals and is recognized by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). Obtaining CCSH certification requires clinical experience and/or an approved healthcare credential, passing a competency-based examination, and a commitment to continuing education.
The ACE Certified Health Coach credential is the only health coach certification accredited by the NCCA and is awarded to individuals who have met the highest industry standard for health professionals. Obtaining this credential requires an approved healthcare credential and/or the appropriate education or experience, passing a competency-based examination, and a commitment to continuing education and professional development.
My business, Insomnia Coach LLC, is Better Business Bureau (BBB) Accredited and holds a BBB rating of "A+".
- I struggled with insomnia just like you.
- I learned how to end my insomnia struggle.
- I will teach you how to do the same.
You will learn:
- Avoidable behaviors that make sleep more difficult and create more struggle.
- Simple changes you can make right now to create better conditions for sleep.
- How to starve your insomnia of the oxygen it needs to survive.
It works.
- Over 10,000 people have taken my free sleep training course.
- 98% would recommend the course to a friend.
- It’s easy and it’s free.
PS: This is NOT your typical "sleep hygiene" stuff!
Enter your name and email and let’s get started:
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More genuine testimonials
Remember - These testimonials are examples of how my free sleep training course has helped others. Your results may vary. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.
I saw myself in every message

Sleep hygiene and sleep meditation/hypnosis were not helping at all.
This sleep training has helped me change many things I was doing that were making it harder for me to sleep. In retrospect, I had done almost all the wrong things in response to my poor sleep. My anxiety about my sleep was pretty extreme, but now I feel like I know what to do and not do so my anxiety is much better. I have been able to change my focus on nights that are hard so that I don’t go into panic mode.
I have already recommended this course to a family member and plan to talk with my doctor about it as well. I also want to add that the positive and encouraging vibe that Martin has really gave me hope in spite of the fact that I had tried many other things including medication but I was not feeling secure at all about my sleep.
I feel that anyone who is experiencing any type of sleep issue would benefit from this training. It is very specific to psychological, emotional and behavioral issues around sleep rather than just general information. I saw myself in every message and others likely would too. It can free you from working too hard to sleep and teach you a better to get your sleep back.
Regaining my sleep confidence

Having suffered for over 30 years from sleep difficulties, I felt I had tried and learnt everything to help myself, but that there was something in my mindset which I could not shift, and which was making life at times, very miserable.
Martin, through his gentle guidance, has taught me that I no longer need to fear the experiences of poor sleep, and that I have, and will continue to, survive the days afterwards.
It is always a ‘What if I don’t sleep’ thought which is my trigger, but because I now feel less pressure to sleep well, these thoughts are lessening. I also feel less pressure to sleep when I wake in the night, and now find myself drifting back into slumber, feeling calm and relaxed. I feel as if I am slowly regaining my sleep confidence again.
The tools and knowledge Martin has so generously provided in this course, has armed me to face any further adrenaline-fuelled nights with a newly found sense of courage and strength.
So many new ideas

After struggling intermittently with insomnia for 13 years I was very committed to making this work. I began a new role as an Infection Control Nurse just before the pandemic hit. The stress of all this made my insomnia even worse and I began seriously looking for professional help.
Martin’s program equipped me with so many new ideas and thoughts about sleep. His emails seemed to fit my situation so well and I learnt I was not the only one to have such severe sleep disruption.
Without the support and education I would still be battling on doing many things I thought would help me sleep but just weren’t working.
Since I started my sleep training almost five months ago I have not had 1 sleeping tablet (after years of using various medications to get me to sleep when things got desperate). I’m incredibly grateful to be on the right track.
Martin is the goods

Martin is a top-notch insomnia coach and mentor. He’s very invested in helping anyone and everyone that has sleep issues. It’s clear he cares about fixing insomnia on a very wide scale and he put my mind at ease a few times.
I’d certainly recommend his course to friends and family that are struggling with their sleep. I’ve even given his information to my therapist and a psychologist I just started working with. He’s that good! And I gotta say, the information Martin provides was affirmed to be accurate by my psychologist, who has worked on patients’ sleep issues for 25 years. Martin is the goods.
I feel more empowered

I have been on sleeping pills for over 15 years. When they stopped working I was given a different medication that came with unbearable side-effects. I had lost all trust in my self as well as my doctor until I decided that I was longer to be so heavily medicated.
So working with my doctor we decided to change my medication. I went through terrible withdrawals. The new medication didn’t work.
I have been trying to learn how to sleep naturally for six months. Doing research online I came across this course and it made so much more since to me than medication.
To anyone who struggles with insomnia give this a try. I feel more empowered with what I have learned. Thank you Martin for your knowledge and thank you for this life change training.
It has changed my life

I was in crisis mode. I truly believed I couldn’t sleep and it hung over me like a heavy cloud, totally disrupting my life.
Martin completely changed my thinking around sleep. By the end of the free insomnia sleep training course, I was consistently sleeping well 95% of the time.
It was all down to learning a new way of thinking about sleep and a new way of approaching wakefulness. I highly recommend this course, it has changed my life.
Less focused and stressed about sleep

This course was very helpful. The emails really helped me rewire my thoughts about sleep, and eventually also my innate fear of sleepless nights.
Just the fact, that for 14 days, there has been no need to Google “insomnia tips” “how to sleep” etc. I was confident that the information i needed would be provided directly to my email in appropriate doses.
It took a lot off my “want-to-research-shoulders”, and ultimately made me less focused and stressed about sleep during the day.
Letting go of control and pressure to perform has made it a lot easier to sleep and helped me accept that nights without sleep are not my fault.
I really would recommend this 14 days sleep training for other people who struggle with sleep.
This course gave me my life back

There were days I wasn’t sure how I could go on living with insomnia. I knew I wasn’t being the best mom, wife, or friend that I needed to be.
The education provided is invaluable. The course not only taught me the techniques it would take to improve my sleep but also the why behind the techniques.
I went from relying on sleep medications every night to sleeping sound for 6.5-7 hours. My energy level and motivation has improved dramatically. This course gave me my life back.
As a nurse, I will help spread the message to all who have sleep difficulties and felt those same feelings of hopelessness that I did.
My only regret is that I didn’t come across this course sooner in my many desperate attempts to Google fix my insomnia.
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Still not sure? More feedback:
Again - These testimonials are examples of how my free sleep training course has helped others. Your results may vary. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.
Priceless information that helped me sleep

When my husband deployed my ability to sleep left with him. Most night I was getting 2-3 hours of sleep but there was even some nights where I getting no sleep at all. I have two small boys to take care of and I was desperate. My doctor prescribed me two different sleep medications that worked great at first but then stopped working and left me with even worse insomnia and anxiety.
I enrolled in Martin’s free course and now two weeks later I am getting 6-7 hours of sleep. Martin gives priceless information that actually helped me sleep and honestly helped me reframe how I think about a lot of things in life.
I am so grateful to Martin, this has been one of the biggest struggles of my life and he was like a voice of reason in my head, guiding me every step of the way. I cannot recommend his program enough!
If you are struggling now and feel like you’re at your wits ends, enlist the help of Martin, he is the real deal!
An absolute game changer

The sleep training has been an absolute game changer for me. We are bombarded with incorrect information about sleep that only made me more anxious and perpetuated my insomnia.
This free course busted many of the myths I whole heartedly believed in. Not only that but it opened my eyes to so many things about sleep and made me realise that I can sleep and gave me confidence and hope.
This new information about sleep made me realise that most of the things I was doing were actually making my sleep worse. It turned my vicious cycle of anxiety and bad sleep into a positive cycle of less anxiety and better sleep.
Everything you need to get your life back

I’ve been struggling with sleep for 10 years, was on sleeping pills for nine.
I enrolled in this free course and all the tips are great. Martin explains everything and was there for me everyday with an email talking about something that I was going through the day/night before. I felt guided all the way. It’s also good to know that you are not alone, that many people are struggling with the same issue.
If you have trouble sleeping I highly recommend this course. It has everything you need to get your life back and start to sleep again. It is the best free course I have ever done.
I have been set free

I struggled with sleep for over 15 years. It became clear to me that I needed help about 10 years ago and I’d tried various ways of getting that help. The counselors I saw did not help much. Recently I told my doctor I needed a trained sleep “coach” to help me. He found nothing for me but thankfully I found Martin Reed’s sleep training course. He has the training and knows how to help people improve their sleep.
Throughout the sleep training program myths about sleep were corrected. Letting go of those myths has freed me from many things I was doing to help my sleep that were in truth holding me back from making any kind of progress at all!
It felt like I was swimming upstream in a fast-moving river when I tried to improve my sleep. Now I feel like I am in a sturdy boat rowing down a friendly river.
I have been set free from some very detrimental, energy draining beliefs.
I have recommended this program to friends already and will continue to let people know about it.
Everything needed to get started on improving sleep was there. I’m not sure of what will come in the days ahead, but I feel ready to make what I learned a permanent, automatic part of my life for the rest of my life!
The night no longer scares me

I had no idea why I had insomnia or what to do… other than lie awake every night. I was scared I may never sleep again.
I came knowing nothing, two weeks later I feel so much more knowledgeable and confident in dealing with my insomnia. The night no longer scares me!
I would definitely recommend enrolling in the two week course as if nothing else, education is better than ignorance. The course has helped me tremendously, I still have some bad nights, but I no longer panic about never sleeping again!
This really was the help I needed

I suffered on and off with insomnia since the pandemic started. It came in while I was pregnant after suffering a trauma. It was acute at the time and I only had it when I tried to go back to work.
I had to stop work as I was awake all night and couldn’t keep that up while pregnant. After I had the baby and tried again it became chronic.
I was not helped at all anytime I went to doctors, etc. It just got worse and I became more afraid. I tried an antidepressant and had a terrible reaction ending up in a worse position than ever.
I felt so scared and so hopeless and so alone. Martin spoke to me, gave me a community, understood me and offered me help and hope. Since starting this course I have come off sleeping pills.
I feel I understand insomnia much more now and am less fearful of it which has meant I have slept better. This really was the help I needed. I have told my doctor, therapist, everyone about Insomnia Coach. Thanks so much 🙏
I cannot say enough positive things

This sleep training was excellent and I have already started recommending it to others; family, friends and clients (I am a licensed clinical social worker).
The daily emails and task assignments made you feel both connected to and accountable to Martin. All the emails were very informative and Martin’s explanations were clear and helpful. I cannot say enough positive things about his free sleep training.
Martin’s personable style and caring “bedside manner” let you know that he understands how desperately people with insomnia struggle and that he truly wants to help.
His positive attitude and encouragement gives hope that change (and sleep!) is possible. For these reasons, without hesitation I would also recommend Martin’s coaching services for those in need.
I can’t say enough how much this has helped

I wish I had this years back when my insomnia started. Everything I have gone through over the years, this course touched on it all.
It is unbelievable & I can’t say enough how much this has helped me. I have already forwarded it to my son & my daughter as they have started having trouble with their sleep. I do not want them to suffer as I have. I also have a handful of friends who suffer from insomnia & will definitely recommend this for them.
I have a great doctor who reluctantly prescribed me sleeping pills many years back. I will make sure to inform him about this & my success. Since I started the 14 days I have had no desire to take pills. I have always known they were not a solution but in the end it was the only way I could get some sort of sleep.
From start to finish the 14 days has been absolutely amazing! It is simply a miracle that after all these years (25+) my sleeping habits have slowly changed & I know now will continue to improve more. I had given up there was nothing which could help my insomnia but this proved me wrong & I am so very thankful I found this 🙂 It been a life saver for me.
I can live more freely

I’ve had insomnia for 6 years. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on natural health practitioners which never worked. Actually it usually made my sleep worse. I used to be so stressed about sleep all the time and have such drama around not sleeping.
The techniques shared in this course resonated with me right away. I feel like this is finally something that can and is helping. After only two weeks I noticed a difference. Not just with my sleep, but with my mental health around sleep. I actually started running again. Something that I gave up to sleep better and never worked. Now I feel like I can live more freely. Thank you for all your help.
I felt so supported

There is so much that I can say about this course. It’s hard to know where to begin. It helped me to face my fear of not sleeping. The fear was very strong and powerful.
All the information was really spot on. The whole course was an A+ and I would definitely recommend it to anyone. The daily contact through the emails was so helpful. I felt so supported and connected to a real professional who was guiding me through each day. I looked forward to each email that I received.
I just would like to thank you again Martin for all of your help. I have been dealing with this on and off in my life since I was 10 years old and that was a long time ago because I am 58. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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I'll see you on the other side!
Martin Reed, MEd, CHES®, CCSH