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boke✘ Not a client
You’re at a 6-hour window for now. When above around 85% efficiency for a week – add 15 minutes (getting to bed 15 minutes earlier – never adding 15 min in the morning). This could take only 2 weeks or could take 10 weeks. Depending on how SRT is implemented. SRT works great….IF APPLIED RELIGIOUSLY – sometimes really, really tough to do (ie. especially in conjunction with SCT, you’ve been in and out of bed 6, 7 times, it’s 5:30 AM and you didn’t get a wink AND your sleep window finishes at 7:30 AM). Personally, I find it very, very difficult to get up at the prescribed wakeup time after a white night. Which exacerbates this issue and my insomnia stretches out a week or so at a time. But getting up at the prescribed time is, I believe, THE most important implementation of SRT and SCT.boke✘ Not a clientThe occasional relapse occurred because I would break the cardinal sin of SCT : not getting out of bed after 20-30 min still awake (I would stay an hour or two, go for a leak and go straight back to bed and do this repeatedly all night). SRT worked fine.
boke✘ Not a clientI’ll keep this post updated with my results.
Just remember : 2 steps forwards, 1 step back gets you to your destination eventually.
boke✘ Not a clientI was anxious while outta bed but reading the book calmed me. Tough not to think about hours left to sleep but you gotta think about long-term with SRT/SCT. It might take a few sleepless days, even. You have to reprogram/retrain the brain to pretty much autopilot to sleep just when you hit the sack. This is really tough to do, folks.
boke✘ Not a clientMy SCT guideline (I’m trying to master this but it’s pretty tough !) :
1) Don’t stay in bed after a certain amount of time (around 20 min but don’t look at the clock).
2) Do something relaxing (read a well-worn book, doodle, watch a boring movie w/ blue-blockers).
3) When eyelids are dropping like lead weights, go to bed.
4) Repeat 1-3 until you nod off in bed or until designated wakeup time.
boke✘ Not a clientCorrection to my previous post. When I said I never did SRT, I meant SCT (since I completely slept thru my 2am-8am windows). So I definitely practiced SRT since 2015 with good results. My problem lies w/ SCT…getting out of a warm bed to a cold living room chair really sucks. But I’m slowly seeing results.
boke✘ Not a clientYou have to understand that the insomnia was only intermittent esp around 2001 then around 2006 (night shift). A bit around 2009 to 2010. 2011 to 2014 only had a handful of pita episodes. But since I bought a country cabin 2 hrs from home it got worse. A stupid NST saying : “Oh, you got to drive 2 looooong hours to and another 2 looooong hours back,…what if you didn’t get a wink all night…you’ll be a wreck”. Lol
boke✘ Not a clientStayed in bed and most likely weakened my sleep-onset issues – but still got around 3-4 hrs of shut-eye.
boke✘ Not a clientRecently, the SRT 02h00-08h00 window didn’t work so great because of sleep-onset problem. Then used SCT to ok results. Good for around 10 days. Relapse 3 days ago and didn’t apply SCT properly (too lazy in bed – my fault, lol).
boke✘ Not a clientAug 2015 worked off the bat (SRT) cause I was already tired to hell. But it was draconian : 02h00-07h00 time frame (5 hrs TIB – time in bed). I was ok for awhile (about a year)
boke✘ Not a clientvery vague ? hmmm, yeah I’m a little tired, lol. I corrected that post with 2 subsequent posts that are awaiting moderation (too long ?).
boke✘ Not a clientYep. Tried SRT at around 2015 and it worked right off the bat in so far that I slept like a baby right away. Almost like a placebo effect although it definitely works. So never really actually did SRT until a few weeks ago. I did the 2am to 8am window. Didn’t drop off after 20min so did SCT – did a couple of out-of-bed-and-read-in-living-room-until-sleepy-then-back-in-bed interludes. Got a few hours of deep sleep and was ok for a week and a half.
boke✘ Not a client1st classic : clock-watching (stopped years ago)
2nd classic: 7 hours left……. must have 5 hours left….must have 3 hours left….still awake…daylight ? Crap !
3rd classic : occasional full-time dread during the day shifting towards anxiety at bedtime.
boke✘ Not a clientGoes back to ‘84 until ,89. Reappeared in ‘91. Licked it in early ‘92 (intensive jogging program). Reappeared in 2000. Have had it sporadically since.
boke✘ Not a clientDeb, NSTs are Negative Self-Talks. A pita but you try to reword those NSTs into PSTs or at least lesser more realistic NSTs.