Chen Liang

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  • in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36845
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    Hi everyone – mac are you not depresed after few sleepless night in a row? Like suicidal thoughts and maybe halucination and start hearing things or whatever it is?

    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36834
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    Hi manfred- thank you i understand what you are saying but i have super hard time implementing it. My doctor said i am generally genetically anxious person which is the perfect storm for insomnia. My battle is against my personality trying to not follow my anxiety is like against a big wave of water trying to swim through it. If that make sense for you.

    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36833
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    Hi mac- please tell me how long you did SRT to reap the overall benefit? You know without prescription meds i can go days i mean almost weeks without sleep ,0 sleep nada nill!!! Thats how bad the anxiety is!! Doing SRT is like adding hell on a hellish life!! But i want to hear positive feedback! Maybe it is all worth it … putting yourself in torture to finally defeat it. I need your opinion since you said you have done it months. My case is quite bad you know even when the sleep drive is crazy high i still go days with 0 sleep . I dont know is this normal or maybe its an effect of withdrawal from the meds. I seriously want to quit meds but my doctor do not approve at all. Make me in a position of dilemma.

    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36823
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    hi mac-Yeah i am now working things out with martin. He is very patient. I am generally anxious person this is why i have trouble. When you said CBT will take months i already afraid of it i am imagining many days of sleeplessness. You know sleep is the easiest thing to solve i know just let go and stop worrying …. if only my mind is that simple letgo and bum not anxious at all 24 hours my life will just be better.

    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36818
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    Today i just learned about many type of insomnia…. my type of insomnia is psychophysiological insomnia…. you can google it out. Does CBTi and ACTi help with this type of insomnia?

    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36817
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    Hi mac and deb and everyone- yes the anxiety about sleep in my head is high. I have nothing to do during the day in this quarantine and my head keep spinning asking about sleep. Here is my issue the chronic insomnia i have started 4 years and this last years i went to a shrink and nightly i am prescribed benzo you know this is not good. I slept tho but the feeling of natural sleep and drug induced is so different. I talk about this with martin i said how can i do the SRT? i am scared. why i am scared? :
    1. What is the point of CBTi if i am not confident with my natural ability to sleep i am still using meds and the doctor wont taper off because she saw me nervous breakdown.
    2. When i dont use the meds i can days maybe weeks without sleep.
    3. It can take months of SRT to see result and i dont know whether i can stick to it when i have 0 sleep every night.

    Guys i am so deep in the spiral of sandman insomnia here. I really want to get out but everywhere i see it seems there is no hope. Mac you say SRT take months to work and kill the anxiety my head cant imagine the pain and anxiety of zero sleep each day will be i am already tired and its like going to more torture with SRT , but somehow i feel there is no other way. what is your thought about this.

    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36797
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    hi deb- i was trying to accept sleeplessness and suddenly the worry comes in and i sweat a lot in bed i have the urge to toss and turn left and right but i didnt do it i just imagine like there is a worry fireball all around my body and make me sweat , but it seems the worry doesnt go down and my body feel like being torched with low heat for a long time. did i do something wrong here? or should i just lay in bed with the worry and sweating until it calm down by itself? my mind is racing like saying what did i do wrong what did i do wrong why im worried why i am sweating like that.

    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36788
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    Why there is no edit button?! I want to add question:
    5. Do you agree that ACTi will not work if you do it for the purpose of trying to sleep? Many here read about CBTi and ACTi after many sleepless night in hope this method might give them sleep. Acceptance is acceptance sleepless become nothing big. If people use ACTi to sleep then it will backfire because they dont trully accept but fake acceptance for the agenda of sleep. What do you think about this?

    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36787
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    Extra question :
    4. The longer you stay on the bed not sleeping , isnt your mind going to question the motive of staying on bed? For example me when i lay down at night my mind will wonder eventually why sleep doesnt happen after waiting for 2 hours and it become worried. How do you face this kind of thinking?

    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36786
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    hi deb- i see . I want to ask:
    1. if for example you have done acceptance and you didnt sleep at all . In the morning do you wake up everytime the same time like sleep window?
    2. Isnt acceptance getting harder when sleeplessness happen everyday like 3 days without sleep. and how can you do acceptance after few days no sleep at all most people will grab the pills already.
    3. How long have you train yourself with acceptance to finally it become your personality and bear fruit from it?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36779
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    Hie gsdmom- thank you for replying to me to help me understand more. Here is a thought of mine if you already accept sleeplessness than why we should train mindfulness? isnt the act of training for mindfulness or welcoming actually equal to the act of trying to sleep? because what is the purpose of us training mindfulness or welcoming? isnt it for sleep? if we actually accept sleeplessness, and make it or train our mind to see it, as something normal or not dangerous then we would drop all the routine and training that actually make us try to sleep. I actually met a guy in youtube. He was insomniac and now after 10 years he no longer insomniac and he said he even cant be afraid of sleeplessness anymore. He actually giving up and letting go when no medication no therapy nothing can help him sleep and he said who cares if i sleep or not he drop all the meds all the routine all the props and habit and everything. He is almost masochistic in my point of view and he choose to live without caring he sleep or not. fast forward 10 years from then he said now he even drink caffeine before sleep and he slept 8 hours a day every single day . He even said he try to get scared with sleeplesness but he cant he cant get scared anymore because that is how far he doesnt care anymore he live or die or he sleep or not. well of course its not instant he said its a gradual process not caring about sleep engrave in him slowly the more he doesnt care he slept a bit it take years but he never even read the sleep book by guy meadow he doesnt even know that this forum or talk exist. He just doesnt care anymore. when i ask about fear at night of sleeplessness he said who cares about fear hug and embrace the fear you are not caring or afraid of it anymore. Oh man i envy his personality i want to contact him personally but he doesnt reply anymore.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Chen Liang.
    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36777
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    Thank you deb you have replied my question. I still have a question what is mindfulness what are you doing with mindfullness? Sorry i am really new about all this although i have read the book from guy meadow many i dont inderstand. About welcoming i think i get it where you let worry thought come like a friend and dont fight it but welcome it until they go away on their own. But what about the space you are talking i dont understand at all about this space. What is “space” ? About acceptance i get it but to reach that point of acceptance i cant imagine that my mind keep saying drink the pills to sleep or “oh no not sleeping again” “oh no the sun is up already”. I am jealous about how you can reach that acceptance. Please teach me hahahaha. I am sorry if i have lots of question .

    in reply to: Hey everyone. ACT+SR+Mindfulness #36776
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    You are just like me!! I never thought how they become insomniac is like me. Suddenly because of noisiness a switch has been turned on like a switch. You find meds help huh. Its good for you. Dont take meds as evil like me make my anxiety worst because i keep thinking meds is bad so the anxiety not only in insomnia but also in the treatment. Bad anxiety its the source of all torment.

    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36762
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    Deb thank you for the reply. So what you mean by acceptance is whether you are sleepless or sleeping you accept your fate then? If you already accept whatever happen then you will not worry but if there is worry coming you just let it be there and sit with it? I am currently doing CBTi but after taking my meds of its been days i have not slept. This only heightened my anxiety but i keep saying accept if i dont sleep its fine i wont die. I want to ask something where some people seldom ask. At night when sleep time come then you get into bed and your head hit the pillow do you think about “ okay i want to sleep” or you think about something else? Because i read when you think about i want to sleep it increase the arousal system. So i wonder when people are sleepy at night and they want to go to bed dont they think about “okay i want to sleep” which is supposed to heighten the arousal? How can you go to bed without thinking i want to sleep?

    in reply to: ACT for Insomnia #36741
    Chen Liang
    ✓ Client

    I also want to ask to Deb your ACTi testimony is amazing but i have lots of question if its okay with you.
    1. Isnt ACTi is actually in another word mean that we become brave to face our sleeplessness?
    2. When we lie down on bed what are we thinking? Or letting the thought run wherever it go?
    3. About mindfulness and welcoming. I am confused about this in the book by guy meadow. So when the thought of worry about sleep come we do mindfulness to distract that thought to our body so we can forget about the thought or we do welcoming by letting the thought and feeling run free?
    Thank you if you want to reply about this it is really helpfull.

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