Forum Replies Created
✘ Not a clientHello Chezzy-
Of all the possible symptoms or causes of insomnia
I most have been overlooking at 53 that hormones
are there too. Thanks. On the other side, I am finding
a good percentage here at this site have anxiety some
where in them. So being an anxious person my whole
life, and researching anxiety as much as anything else
via the computer since on this site, I don’t think I have
anxiety. I have several conditions, but it appears I am doing
as many to combat it for other reasons. Like SLEEP!
And as I expressed to Sergio I have never had and dreams
at all- let alone vivid or scary.
By the way how much time was this awesome sleep in time
and length? Trying not to pay attention to time, I think
tonight will be 6th nights in a row (of sleep)
5 out 5 for this month! You would not believe what the
month of September was like. Longest month of my life.
That’s how I came to the site.
October 5, 2018 at 9:53 pm in reply to: I've got chronic insomnia and melatonin doesn't seem to help #23649Chris
✘ Not a clientHello Chari-
53 male without your experience’s
I just started the Melatonin drops a week ago.
About how ling ago I found this site. Dry mouth
is my only guess what the drops are doing. My last
SP was Ambien, tolerance is winning there.
I have reduced my tobacco from 20 to currently
8 a day! I smoke grass for calm/appetite/sleep assistance.
But again I am afraid tolerance wins.
I think I am working on 6-7 nights of sleep right now.
I wish I could say how good it feels, but it is better to
just appreciate it.
If you are new to the site welcome.
✘ Not a clientAs far as I am being lead to believe what is causing the insomnia is
the side effects of my anti-seizure med Dilantin. And as far as the
anxiety attacks/vivid dreams, I have not had experience. When I was
working 12 years ago, I never had them then. I was getting between
4.5 – 5.5 hours. This was as close to normal I think I have ever been.
Work might have been stressful but it was something to think about
before I went to sleep to get up for.
AS you said and can see there are a few other suffering in there own way
to whatever degree. I guess it is hard to compare all of it to the next persons
This last month twice I was close to seeing things that were not there. BUT-
mine has been more Hearing things that were not there. Like people talking.
After 111 hours and 168 hours without sleep it did not seem to hard to believe.
I did not have to come to this site to find somebody having a worse day then
I am; the news needs no help. I came here because I ran out of ideas, and I was
not looking forward to the next time. This site is like everything else in the sense
it is inspiring but we look through it on are devices that are no-no’s. Then I want
to make somebody else feel better. And it is tough trying to feel for so many.
I need to stop!
✘ Not a clientHello Russ-
Yea I remember 22 hours ago and looking at all the devices
and everything else NOT to do before we make another effort.
At 53 your age kind of sounds where it became more than just
saying I am not sleeping as well as I was before. I have been here
about a week now, the best thing I have found is a more positive
attitude. But like sleep it does not last. Then as say you get a few
nights and back to the start again? You are the 3rd person (so far)
that relates the not feeling tired, my mind seems to better and my
body cant run well on 3 hours or less a night. Counting time is another
no-no, and since 4/15/18 I have done well, but not a lot of help.
Assume I have tried enough different medications as well.
I came here because the guy I buy my grass from was worried for
me, my doctor is easy with SP but tolerance is winning.
I hope this helps? Yes, I know I have not suggested anything;
wait till Martin responds to you.
I went from 156 hours with no sleep. Then over 5 days I got
3-2-2-2-3 and now we are somewhere around zero again, but
I am not to suppose to be counting!
As I sit and wait for someone else out there that knows how it
feels. I would welcome a bad dream or a seizure for sleep.
I know how that sounds, but desperation is rough as well.
✘ Not a clientHello Sergio,
Nice to hear from somebody out there!
If my math is correct; 24 years ago I was
in an car accident and hit my head. The
type I have is not so bad. Save the lack of
sleep. Seizures are possible what is happening
when I should be going to sleep.What is causing your insomnia?
✘ Not a clientHello always seems better then “good” anything.
Especially here when good might depend on how much
of anything you got last night. Pardon me Davy, if I am
suppose to wait for Martin to comment 1st. I seem to want
to respond to most. Even if I cannot relate with the post.
Other than several obvious reasons for (I guess) all of us.
Sharing how long it had been since I got back to sleep. And
now working of a week (5 days) in a row, I don’t want to
upset any of us who did not get what they need individually.
My new frustration is this site, and my inability to navigate!
I think I have been here from the 25th. Since then I have had
5 consecutive nights of (my current sleep pattern/cycle)
This site’s best for me (so far) is my attitude towards my situation
alike or not to all here. I was to the point of being scared.
So, Davy as far as the bad thought; when and where are you having them?
My last visit I read a post describing being more acute and aware as the hours and
days rolled along. Like being able to do math in your head, never
being able to before! And then confirming I was actually correct.
I stopped watching time march 15th (another acquired tool) and
since then my (when needed) timing is more accurate, all the time.
ALL of these experiences are perplexing, AND I don’t care why I am
back in my sleep range. I am only doing Valarian & Melatonin liquid
drops before bed. And to much grass during the day.
Another natural thing is the weather is changing, and as it becomes
cooler, I think, or have always thought it is more accommodating
for sleep.
Smile the next time you have one of these bad thoughts.
It is just passing 8am PMT in H. B. California. on
this 1st day of October.
✘ Not a clientHello Gothard-
I am sure that is what I am still wondering=
“How to stop the thought process?” Ugh.
I counted sheep from 10 billion to less
than zero, then reversed and reached a
100,000. Each sheep is 5′ x 2′ , all of a sudden
I realized I would need more than twice the
size of the sheep! I had never counted so many
sheep and nothing but more thinking.
Hang in there if you are there.
✘ Not a clientHello Elcid,
my name is Chris. Thanks.
I have read and appreciate your writing ability expressing
your topics. I have just read about Sasha Stephens and
Sleep restriction therapy. The book sounds very interesting.
I have tried reading of late, my eyes have easier time with
this screen than paper I guess.
You are the 1st person to describe a similar sleeping arrangement.
I have epilepsy and going outside is often too bright so I spend to much time
in the same room as the bed. I do not use it at all, I have a couch that I use
after my initial sleeping effort. But I was curious, and I don’t sleep or nap
on the couch I have. I do not think I have a stimulus issue but sometimes
at bedtime I don’t feel like sleeping, just exhausted. I am working on 5
consecutive nights of sleep. Positive post are encouraging, but reading
negative, or less positive make me realize I am not the only one.
Concerning SRT: Start at 10:30pm awake at 12:30am.(sleep!) Then
next attempt up till 4-5am. (no sleep). SO I spend 6 in and 2 w/sleep.
SO I should adjust my starting time to 2:30am? I can see why the
“Clients” dread this. Initially I told Martin this would not be an issue.
I am 53 without a job an very little worries. I just don’t feel like
staying up that late. Considering how many things we should not
be doing before bed, ie. T.V., computer, stimulating things! It
sounds a bit much, but as I keep hearing I don’t have much to loose.
Time to stop!
Thanks Elcid
long until starting day 4-5am.
✘ Not a clientHello Marta, this is Chris
I have been reading your positive responses to all.
It appears we are all in search, in so many
different ways. We all should have an Exel file with
dates, times and drugs/remedies/natural/spiritual,
might help. My three at present are Melatonin drops,
Valarien drops and a quick easy exercise found here.
I never know how many things I have tried or should
I put down. A warm shower and then some warm milk!
You think with all we do it would not help as well.
I am working on 5 consecutive nights of sleep, and i
feel guilty sharing it.
✘ Not a clientHello to desperate,(sleepwhenI?) this is Chris-
Just wanted to see how things have been
going? It looks like you came into the forum
at the beginning of the month? I came because
I was desperate as well. Since I have been here
I have felt better. This will be the 5th night in a
row of sleep. Some of the last attempts I have
tried was/is rain sounds, boring stories and meditation.
I am still listening to constant sounds or rain, it is calming
but not sleep. I cut sugar as well. I don’t think I could
walk as far as you said. Granted I have not worked in
almost 13 years. Sorry=Jillrunpee my doctor seems to
hand out SP but eventually tolerance catches up and they
don’t work. I have avoided watching time & clocks for
over 6 months now.
And now after 5 days and 9 whole hours, I don’t care
if it was the Valarien drops, or the Melatonin drops?
Or the new exercise I am doing that I found here.
Or simply as your doctor said some of us are just prone.
I have had Epilepsy for 25 years and now the past 5
years the side effects (insomnia) are reflecting what
your doctor said. I am tired of trying to get there.
If you are still out there, hang in there.
✘ Not a clientChris again, if anybody can tell how long I have been at this site?
3rd day now. I am not bragging, and if I read what I am CURRENTLY
going threw, I would not believe that the last sleep I had was now
7 days ago. Martin questioned why I am counting? I am not.
In 2o minutes will start another.Davy- I stopped working 12 years ago, for Epilepsy witch the
side effects of induces my insomnia. I just spent 3 hours on
a secluded beach, and nothing. Last time I got to 111 hours
before I either had a seizure or fell asleep. That was back on
last Monday the17th. Every night I am sure it has to be tonight.
Hang in there. I came to this site because I am scared.
All I have found is that I am not alone. And there
are a lot of people who sound like they much more
on there plate then I do.Chris
✘ Not a clientHarold, if I went to sleep at 11pm & woke at 5am?
I would not believe it. The last two nights I am have started
around 10pm and made it till 12am. But, it was better then
the previous week. It appears that a lot of people who have
insomnia use to have amounts of sleep that sound as hard
to believe as going days without any, and then it is trying
not think about the next time.
One day Harold, 6 hours might become a pipe dream.
I have been here a few days and have appreciated a lot
of the shared information.
✘ Not a clientI can actually say “good” afternoon to all of you-
Elcid, Jillyrunpee, Theresa & Martin.
I had my 1st 4 consecutive hours (sleep) in a row,
After a week of none. As hard as it has been for me over this week the last 4 days I have been absorbing as much from as many of you folks. THANKS, I really don’t care how it finally happened. Last night, the
latest endeavor on my own- Melatonin- Drops! & a quick exercise that I got here. I apologize that I am not
remembering who that was from. They know because I thanked them before I even tried it.
To everyone who is reading how does this work? I could write my entire list of drugs down, list all the
amounts and duration of use. And then one of you see a new one to try. And then I am reading what sounds impossible or to scary. SO far most is familiar, the Sleep Reduction sounds hard for most. But not yet for me.
I want to respond to everyone, just to say thanks, this is my 1st time doing something like this for anything let alone going to sleep. Elcid- you have 10 years to start off with, I have 12 but to compare is hard. When yo reference a Major Surgery and mine is simply since I last worked. But these all someone else. I have used grass all my life for anxiety/sleep/appetite. And now I would guess tolerance has reduced the effects. I have reduced smoking ciggs from 20 to 8 a day. It is hard to listen to (so far) everyone who seems to have a lot more reasons than I do for my Insomnia. Repeating what I am> Chris, 53 epileptic. This is not to make anybody here feel angry, ie. (when someone is mocking YOUR condition). This is to tell you that: I do not have a lot of normal issues. I am not married, no kids, no mortgage, nothing in my view that ADDS to my insomnia. Until this month and my last two extensive stints, I simply was accepting the changes. Simply getting older.
One of the most positive aspects (so far) is just that being positive. I had been doing so, but not in the fashion that I getting here. As much as I do not have to be as upset about, I use to be angry or upset about to too many things. That is what I working on, Now, bear with me, somehow I know how long 4 hours of sleep yields in energy for the next day. Reference Elcid- the neck and body pain! And I did not play any rugby! Besides the normal decision what we do with that energy; here we are using it! SO…
I asked you all “How does this work?” So far, I ‘m not sure. The reason I found this site is because my 15 year connection is worried when I am telling him that last time it was a mere 111 hours before I got 11 total hours over the next 3 days. Almost done.. And now, Martin asked why was I counting the hours of no sleep? I am not today! I am looking forward to spending quality time with you know what! Whenever tonight is. SO, after 170+ hours we get 4hours (10pm-2am 9/26)
What now seems to be happening, is I am getting excited and looking forward responses and responding to everyone. CAN anybody relate with that? Even if there is nothing in the post that I can relate with.
My mind and my body are not even or balanced? I mentioned I feel my issues do not seems to be as worthy, adding to this list is being Left Handed and paradoxical reactions to some drugs. Grass and alcohol for example. Or, without drugs, the feeling of waking up when it is time to go to bed. Stimulus seems part of the equation, I think. And that part right now especially do this new big Tool in my box.
How frigging long am I suppose to devote my rested restless mind for the daily/nightly grind of sleep?
IS not doing this helping something to get tired? I thought it did. And now it is well time to stop!
Thanks. Pardon me if this too anything. I think the negativity was getting excited.
September 26, 2018 at 12:36 am in reply to: This helped my chronic insomnia: does this work for you? #23567Chris
✘ Not a clientAt 5pm Voila! The 1st idea!
The problem I am finding with this site
is it uplifting, and informative. And the
device is not good (Laptop)to look at!
Thanks before I try it tonight. If I actually
wake up, I will make you feel like a king
or king for as long as you want.
Somehow I still have a grin on my face-
If you have been there then it is not hard
to believe, I am at 7 bleeping days and
tired of counting. The last time I woke up was:
Monday, September 17th.
That was after 2 hours of sleep.
And if it does not work, thanks Rowan!
I will do it with another addition to the
List of cures: Melatonin Drops!
✘ Not a clientChris again, if anybody can tell how long I have been at this site?
3rd day now. I am not bragging, and if I read what I am CURRENTLY
going threw, I would not believe that the last sleep I had was now
7 days ago. Martin questioned why I am counting? I am not.
In 2o minutes will start another.
Davy- I stopped working 12 years ago, for Epilepsy witch the
side effects of induces my insomnia. I just spent 3 hours on
a secluded beach, and nothing. Last time I got to 111 hours
before I either had a seizure or fell asleep. That was back on
last Monday the17th. Every night I am sure it has to be tonight.
Hang in there. I came to this site because I am scared.
All I have found is that I am not alone. And there
are a lot of people who sound like they much more
on there plate then I do.