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✓ ClientHey Chris I’m sorry you’re going through some tough times right now but if you hang in there and follow the course with Mr. Reed things will improve. I have seen improvement but like anything that we’re learning that his new will have rough days like I am having one right now but I’m sure I’ll be able to get the rest that I need sooner or later. I just wanted to let you know that there is hope and we will get better.
✓ ClientWhen I would get up in the middle of the night before and felt somewhat restless I would get out of bed and go sit on the couch or on a chair and watch TV and then I realized that was not very comfortable to me so now I moved to the closet where I threw some blankets down on the floor and I lay down with my laptop and I watch TV there. I find it so much more enjoyable and often times that makes the negative thoughts and feelings pass much faster. I often times find myself dozing off but I do it because it’s just more comfortable so maybe find something that is just more comfortable might help too. Either way I am sleeping better just following the lessons being taught. I still don’t get how to “allow my thoughts and feelings to exist” works but I am no longer trying to push them away. I guess I can compare difficult thoughts to walking down the street and if I saw some garbage (difficult thought) on the floor instead of focusing on it I would just notice its there then soon enough I just don’t think about that trash anymore.
God bless everyone, this course will get us passed this and empower us in the process. You rock Mr. Reed
✓ ClientWould you mind giving an example of how I can “experience anxiety”? thank you.
Kickboxing classes are Monday and Wednesday starting next week
✓ ClientI ended up staying calm and did practice AWAKE, I find this new tool helpful. I watched TV and fell asleep for a few hours before my 6am daily wake up time. I have noticed that this program helps me a lot with having less anxiety when I am awake in the night, even though I am super tired I try not to go to sleep until sleepy. I was laying down on the floor with a blanket watching TV until I dozed off then I went to bed and was able to get some sleep. Thank you for your help Mr. Reed
✓ ClientThanks for your response GenieB I decided to go on a long walk yesterday around 8pm, peaceful walk with the wife expressing gratitude for all our blessings in our life. I came home fatigued and sat with the family to watch TV and by 10:15pm I could not keep my eyes open even though my sleep window is at 11pm I went to bed and slept over 7hrs- the longest I have in weeks. I don’t believe it was the walk necessarily but I do see how this course is helping a lot with my anxiety and fears. I hope you have better days coming up and I know we will all get past this.
✓ ClientI’m with you Luke I was just dealing with that very recently. Knowing its normal is comforting and maybe that was all I needed to hear now I have had 3 good nights in a row and I’m sure tonight will be #4. I didn’t go to sleep until I was sleepy and one time I wake up flustered I watched the week 2 the AWAKE video form this course and it helped to calm me down to go right back to bed. Hang in there we are all in this together and we will all get passed this together.
✓ ClientThank you for your reply it makes perfect sense so it can be comforting to know this is not unusual or uncommon but it is frustrating that the mind while trying to help is making it difficult. I’m sure with time, consistently and a patient approach we will all get there eventually and go to bed sleepy at the start of our sleep window. My friend, who did this program would say he would never sit down or slow down so that by the time asleep window started, he was absolutely exhausted. I am trying to do the same and stay busy as much as I can.
✓ ClientHi Nina, hang in there the program works it just takes time. I’ve been at this since September of 2022 and after trying countless things that never lasted this coaching is the answer. I was convinced there’s something medically wrong with me and that I would never be able to go back to sleep again. My friend who is in his early 40s had heart surgery about a year ago and ended up dealing with severe insomnia. He found the insomnia coach and implemented the program and it took him several months but now he sleeps like a baby. I started doing this about nine weeks ago and it seems like is has finally started to kicking in so I would highly recommend you follow everything Mr. Reed says and give it time. Best of luck and God bless to give you strength
✓ ClientWhat a ray of hope and sunshine during some cloudy days, thank you for posting
✓ ClientWhat an uplifting story, thank you so much. I have been going to EMDR and another form of therapy for trauma, therapist and my doctor have said that processing trauma can certainly impact sleep so I am guessing that is part of the problem but I know that it will pass with time. On the nights that I am truly sleepy I can crash hard and on the days that I don’t get sleep it is temporary and will pass.
✓ ClientHope you find other enjoyable things to do to help make you sleepy, Good luck
✓ ClientIt seems like I was coming up with activities to make me sleepy or tired, I need to find things that I would enjoy doing instead. Thank you for your insight Mr Reed
✓ ClientThat does help Mr. Reed thank you, I will continue to wait until I am super sleepy for a bit then see if I can move to just going to sleep when I start my sleep window.
✓ ClientThank you for your response Mr. Reed, its very helpful to know I am not experiencing something uncommon. I am waiting for my head to start “collapsing” before going to bed to make sure I am sleepy, before I was going to bed when I was yawning and super tired but apparently that isn’t always sleepy.
✓ ClientAgreed brother, we just need to stay the course and we will get past it. My name is Cristian Zor you can find me on facebook if you want. Good luck tonight.