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✘ Not a clientThanks for the responses :).. I think I’m over the fear of dying, even if I never sleep again, but the fear is that I’ll become a vegetable.. And wouldn’t a Fitbit make me more sleep obsessed? I guess if the thing told me I got 2 hrs of sleep instead of 0, I’d feel better
✘ Not a clientRight there with ya.. In fact, it’s morphed into major anxiety/depression, to know that I struggle with resting.. I pray we both can overcome this soon!
✘ Not a clientThere’s no evidence that insomnia causes health issues.. It’s mind over matter.. Since the lockdown I’ve been getting 1-3 hours of sleep a night.. Some nights none.. Some nights a nit more.. Point is, I’d see health issues if that were the case.. I’m still able to work out and play drums, etc.. Do I wish I got more sleep? Sure.. Has it stressed me out a lot? Yes.. But am I dying because of it? No, and neither are you.
June 11, 2020 at 11:39 am in reply to: Something new.. Or is it? Sensorimotor OCD effecting sleep #36828DrummerFrank
✘ Not a clientI know I won’t suffocate*
✘ Not a clientI didn’t mean I had the virus.. Just meant since being home with the lockdown
✘ Not a clientGotcha.. Also, sorry to hear that man.. I’ve always dealt with health anxiety, but was always able to keep it in check with my busy life (I work 2 jobs), but since being home with the virus, I’ve suffered greatly.. What is it they say? “An idle mind is the devil’s playground”.. Never have I heard a truer statement.. I’ve tried to remain active going on bike rides and hikes, but this sleep obsession is like a nightmare I can’t escape from.. Researching sleep is probably the worst thing I’ve ever done.. Between reading about brain disorders and people that go weeks without sleep, it’s become a very scary thing to me.. My own mind is my own worst enemy
✘ Not a clientThanks for your quick response! I’ve also noticed doctors being reluctant to prescribe sleep meds.. My parents even have a good friend who’s a doctor, that has been reluctant to help me.. How were you able to be on one a night for decades? I’m not saying I wanna become dependent on them, but I feel like it would put my mind at ease a bit to have them around if I have a string of sleepless nights
✘ Not a clientI definitely have been experiencing the same problem for the last 2 months.. I never had a problem falling asleep until this lockdown.. Since the lockdown, it’s been virtually impossible.. Once I do fall asleep, it’s like a relief, and I’m able to go back to sleep after I take my nightly pee break.. But again, the problem is falling asleep.. I’ve been taking an Ambien here and there, as well as a Hydroxyzine here and there.. I know that I CAN SLEEP WITHOUT MEDS, but it has become incredibly hard, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to overcome this phobia.. Is Zopiclone good for sleep anxiety?
June 4, 2020 at 6:24 am in reply to: Health anxiety & obsessing over how many hours of sleep I'm actually getting #36752DrummerFrank
✘ Not a clientHey Nikki.. So last night was a really bad one for me.. The previous 2 nights, I was able to sleep pretty well on my own, but then last night, the phobia came back into my head hard, and I was unable to sleep.. Now tonight, I’m already thinking I should go back to my parents and sleep with them.. I’m starting to become pretty hopeless over conquering this fear and it’s extremely frustrating because I’m normally a pretty brave and opinionated person, that doesn’t have many fears! I keep thinking I’m going to go into this string of sleepless nights, and become a zombie.. My health anxiety is thinking I will die if this continues on, but I know consciously that this is ridiculous rubbish, as many people have braved this out for decades and decades.. There is no evidence that sleeplessness can kill.. All it does is mess with our quality of life, but good luck convincing my subconscious of this fact! I may need a phone call session or 2 with Martin to clear away some of these sleep myths and fears that are plaguing me.. Martin…. Do you do one off phone call sessions? Or do I need to do the 2 week one? Thanks!
✘ Not a clientAtarax did absolutely nothing for me.. I honestly am starting to feel hopeless, even though it’s only been 2 months of this.. I slept really well last Friday, but since Friday, I’ve maybe gotten 3 hrs sleep TOTAL.. Anytime I enter dream phase, I snap right back out of it.. It’s just hard for me to convince myself that I can sleep normally again.. Starting to feel angry and frustrated.
✘ Not a clientI hear you man.. The point of CBT-i is to fix things for the long term though, so we may go through months of very poor sleep, or outright sleepless nights a lot of times, until recovery.. I’m finding it hard to be consistent right now myself, as I really have nothing to wake up for during this lockdown.. I’m trying to have a daily routine, but it’s tough to schedule 16-18 hours of daily activities, and not just focus on sleep during the day.. I bet things will start to get better once I’m able to go back to my 2 jobs, but right now, sleep is really just hit or miss.. In the beginning of the lockdown (Late March), I had heart palpatations that kept me up at night.. An organic magnesium supplement has greatly helped me with that, so that’s no longer an issue for me.. Perhaps that’s something you can look into.. I was going 5 days of like 1-2 hours sleep total in the beginning! Not fun, especially when you have health anxiety like I do.. I think it’s important to understand that we won’t die from this though.. Big pharma scares everyone into thinking we need that magical 7-8 hrs EVERY NIGHT, OR ELSE! The more research I’ve done on this, the more I realize that my current 2 month insomnia is actually not THAT BAD.. I’ve read up on people dealing with this for decades, multiple sleepless nights, until only passing out from pure exhaustion, and then repeating the cycle.. One thing I suggest is to not alter your day because of insomnia.. I still workout, I still try to take care of every single daily task I put in front of me.. This to me is crucial for recovery.. You’re more likely to be tired at night if you stay busy.. Staying in bed like a quitter will not build sleep drive.. I’m praying you and me can overcome this.. God bless
✘ Not a clientHey Mac.. I have the complete opposite feeling.. The lack of work is what put me into this insomnia nightmare for 2 months now.. I love my job, and had a consistent 11PM-6AM bed routine every day, sometimes pushing it to 7AM on weekends, but I was fairly consistent.. With the lockdown, my sleep schedule is all over the place, but since finding Martin, I’ve been trying to be a bit more consistent.. Last night, was pretty rough for me.. I fell asleep early, but it wasn’t a deep sleep.. Then I woke up, and was up for hours, and then I went back to bed tossing and turning, and having to pee quite often.. I recall having a very weird dream during all of this.. I’d say I got 2 hours of rest/sleep max, but the weird thing is, I’m still operational during the day.. I still workout and get my daily tasks done.. That’s something Martin would approve of, as we can’t let the insomnia defeat us, and make us bed ridden all day.. I’m of the mindset that I won’t be fully cured of this until I get my job back.. I’ve taken supplements and drugs to help me during this time, but nothing helps me stay asleep.. The staying asleep part has been the real challenge.. I feel for anyone that’s been going through this even longer than I have.. It sucks!
✘ Not a clientI have developed a sleep phobia myself. My first sleepless night during this quarantine happened like March 24th I believe, and since then, I’ve found it scary to go to my bed. Consciously, I find it ridiculous, but subconsciously it’s been a hard habit to break. I’ve been sleeping over my mom’s place, as I’ve felt comfort being around her (she also doesn’t sleep well). I’ve also developed this habit of passing out at 9:30PM to about 1AM-2AM, and then barely getting any other sleep after. Even the 9:30-1 “sleep” seems very light, as I still hear my surroundings. My mom checks in on me and says that I light snore and remain still, and swears that still registers as sleep, but I still obsess over what is actual sleep these days? Martin has certainly quelled my fears over my chronic insomnia causing health probs. It’s good to know that there’s no direct link between the 2. Funny enough, I still feel pretty good during the day. It’s only the completely sleepless nights when I feel awful. Fortunately those haven’t happened much.