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emmaree✘ Not a client
I find that neither music or words give me the desired effect o sleep.I tend toget edgy if there is any kind of noise in the room.
emmaree✘ Not a clientIf laid out in a straight line the avarage adult circulatory system would be long enough to circle the earth two and a half times
emmaree✘ Not a client'yamerias' wrote on '28:I truly understand that…I am fighting it every day…some days it is almost impossible for me to answer the phone, let alone set a foot outdoors.
Let us know if you see Inception, it not too bad, very clever movie.
Don't think Salt has been released in UK cinemas yet think it is this week or next.
Oh, and bit of a headsup…the Clash of the Titans remakes is garbage.
Thanks for the heads up on the clash and the titans I wans't really kin to see those two movies but now I now it will be a deffo no
emmaree✘ Not a client'seenafterscene' wrote on '28:Oh, yameris & emmaree I am DYING, absolutely DYING to see both INCEPTION and SALT. Sadly, my social anxiety is so bad, I haven't been to an actual movie theatre in probably 2 years, no joke. When I was younger I routinely saw 1-3 movies a week at theatres. At any rate, I'm holding out for INCEPTION…there is an actual chance I might go see it. Otherwise, as usual, I must wait for BLU/DVD.
Oh Matt how about if you go to the really really late show would that still cause the anxiety. Man I hope you get to see the movie inception I hearsd it was really good ,,thats next on my list or maybe first
emmaree✘ Not a clientSorry for my igorance but what is jaegar??
emmaree✘ Not a clientHas anyone seen Salt yet , I want to watch it but , only if its worth watching as Im not a Angelina fan ??
emmaree✘ Not a clientBet that not true yam, bet you have a great deal to donate.
emmaree✘ Not a clientThis were great , and no I didnt know any of it
emmaree✘ Not a clientHi Mike welcome, I look forward to reading your post. The music therapy you are involved with sounds interesting. Do you work or have you worked with kids ,, who are excessively active?
emmaree✘ Not a clientHi Sophia welcome to Insomnialand
I'm sorry to hear about the anxiety you face when you are not able to sleep. It must be difficult when there is so much daylight. I know I have found it difficult at times with light. I have had to make sure not even a tiny speck enters my room. Its like my brain gets switched on and I cannot shut it out.
Have you tried relaxation techniques like yoga, it might be worth your while to check out some of the blogs and post on Insomnia , you might find it helpful
all the best and nice to have you here.
emmaree✘ Not a clientwell the cleaners and mantelpiece people that look after our offices and warehouse couldn't come in,, so it was left up to the bosses to clean the place today. Me in a suit with a hose broom disinfectant ,high heel shoes cleaning large bins out side the war house,,,it was funny to those watching,,not so funny to this little black duck. But later when it was all over I had a good belly chuckle
emmaree✘ Not a client'seenafterscene' wrote on '21:Was it an email forward???
No to you Kik and Matt,,, when you find out I will blush ,,,hahaha
Did you know the Afican eagle swooping at nearly 200km an hour, can brake to a halt in six metres.
emmaree✘ Not a client'Martin' wrote on '21:I wonder if we schedule something on a weekend – would that make it easier to get more of us together at the same time, as we'll be negating work commitments (but be intruding on family/friend time).
I'm keen to figure something out.
Quote:Sounds good to me , however Sunday 10am till 1pm Eartern Standard time is totally out for me, any other time on the weekend I could schedule it in , even if your Sunday falls on my Monday that is good for me also
emmaree✘ Not a clientI left my bag
emmaree✘ Not a clientI started to spin