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✓ ClientThank you so much Chee2308 and all the others for sharing.
✓ ClientThat is a great progress Hapsong. How is it going?
✓ ClientI am experiencing the exact same. I have not cracked the code yet but I know from experience that there is a way out. I was able to be 6 months without insomnia in the past using cbti and being more active and kind to myself.
I m sure the longer we practice doing good things during the day, finding some happy moments and give our feelings space at some time this will calm us down during the night. Becauce what is left to fear about wakefullness if we can still have a good day irregardless of sleep?
Every mornning I repeat to myself I can not controll how the night went, so no point of beating myself up, but I can controll my actions of the day.
✓ ClientGreat post. I think you are into something valuable. I have also realised that if I am able to go to bed with zero expectations and efforts is usually when I am able to get some good sleep.
However he tricky part is to not ad those together. Being okey with just doing nothing and expecting nothing.
How do you guys deal go on with this mindsett in the present of nightime axiety?
✓ ClientThanks. When it comes to sleep I still have a lot of bad nights. However I am noticing good improvements in both how I feel about the day and less anxiety. I do believe that my sleep improvement will come at the right time. I just try not to put any pressure of when and how it should come.
One thing helping me is when I get up of bed in the morning I remind myself that I can not controll sleep, but I controll my actions. Identifying my values and doing things that matter also helps putting sleep more in the background of my mind and not always being the main focus.
How are you?
✓ ClientHey!
I can relate. I have been of sleep meds for 6-7 weeks. Myself I just went cold turkey, but I did limit the use of my sleep meds before quitting. Did not take it every day of the week.
It was helping me to just decide a date to quit. I know that is is really important to engage in activities that matter. But in the start I was cleaning my calender of events that was putting pressure on myself. But I changed them for other events that was still meaningfull but with less pressure. For instance if I was planning a hard workout I instead would go for a walk or a yoga class if that felt better. And maybe I did not manage to go to a party but I would still go for dinner with a friend. I tried to not give myself pressure of the things I could not do and engage in everything I could.
One thing also that removed the pressure for me was being honest with my close friends about what going on. That made it easier for me to not stick to sleep meds in case of a plan with friends the next day.
But I must say it is a practice. I had a setback with a couple of days of sleepmeds becauce I had a date with someone I like. I also am experiencing some setback with sleep. I am still figuring out how to deal with meeting up with a date without falling back to my old habbits of medication. Which I think again would be to put the pressure down to just go on with it sleeping or not.
best of luck for you.
✓ ClientI can relate to your issue. I think the issue of being very much aware of the falling asleep is a common issue for many people with insomnia. Sometimes not falling asleep for the first minutes can feel like hours. I have had most sucess when I tell myself to just surrender. And that If I not sleep I will do something more joyable and still manage the next day. I also try to focus on the weight of my body and sensations more than wheter or not I am falling a sleep. I am sure that at this part it just takea more practice.
✓ ClientI also is wondering if it is normal that the fight and flight is activated even when I have had a pretty good day, and dont feel very stressed or thinking about sleep a lot?
It makes sense to my that I will have a bad night if I am very stressed or worrying much about sleep. But it feels even more frustrating when I feel calm and tired and are expecting to get some sleep.
✓ ClientThanks Martin. Your words are helping.
For me I try to remove myself out og bed and go reading or watch some TV. That is what I was doing the time I was able to get out of insomnia before.
✓ ClientSounds like you made some improvement.
I can relate to doing things that matter. I have been having a really bad period with several nights no sleep. But I try to remind myself that I can not control sleep, but I can control how I react. And even being social and relaxed while feeling tired. And in the moments I feel sad about it I also try to accept those feelings.
I listened to one of the podcast saying that even those weeks when we feel like no improvement is made it can still be good things happening in the background. But changing my mind to improvement also being quality in days and good moments and not just energy and feeling tired is a little tricky.
Wishing you the best!
✓ ClientGreat to hear that you are making some progress! I have not experienced an improvement in my sleep, but both my days and nights have felt better becauce I have responded better to my insomnia after practicing acceptance and being kind to myself.