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✘ Not a client'aimee' wrote on '27:'kerrivw' wrote on '26:I was just about to post a new topic and wondering what to call it when I read yours. I was going to say almost the same thing! Recently, I have about 1 1/2 weeks of good sleeps and I was so excited, thinking that the new meditation audio, starting yoga again and my new membership at Insomnialand had totally worked. I always feel so awesome when I sleep, even my boyfriend notices and is happy too. Then this past week I only slept well 2 out of 5 work nights (approx 4 hours per night). It's so depressing! It just kills my energy and optimism about things in my life. I just want it to stop! It just kills me when I'm so exhausted and have sore muscles then I can't fall asleep AGAIN! I wasn't always like this (only occasional before and this past year has become more consistent). It was so comforting to read your post (and everyones replies) because sometimes I feel like I'm going to lose my mind! I think it is emotional but I'm not really stressed out anymore. I'm going to try rearranging my bedroom. I'm also hoping that summer will help things since it has been a long cold winter where I am. I have been debating whether I should just take sick leave from work but I know it looks bad if future employers somehow find out. Also, since I'm trying to get pregnant, I'm not sure if it's a good idea. (Has anyone else taken time off work to try and deal with sleep problems?) Sorry, I'm totally rambling! I hope we will both be in a good sleep cycle again soon!
It's nice that we can all relate so much to what people are going through here, even though I would prefer that no one had to be on this website! (no offense, Martin:-)) Same with me, I am like a different person when I am sleeping than when I am not. It still has not gotten better this week. I don't know what happened, all of a sudden I just couldn't sleep. Although I have had a decent weekend because I read this wonderful book! You might like it because it focuses a lot on meditation and yoga. I was surprised because I didn't know this person was into this type of topic. Its Rusell Simmon's book Super Rich. Its not just about being rich financially. I really go a lot out of it and am trying to be positive that i will sleep better tonight. I think that rearranging the bedroom is a good idea…i'm going to try that!!! Maybe right now! Where are you from? I have missed many school and work days because of sleeping problems. Its really difficult to explain to people so I just say i have a “health issue”. Don't worry about rambling..we all need to ramble about our sleep sometimes.
Hi Aimee,
Yes, I got your reply! Thanks for the suggestion on the book. It's funny how just reading about things that give you hope can relax us sometimes. There have been so many times when I wanted to call in sick to work but I work for such a small company, it doesn't go unnoticed. Also, my bosses are really weird about us missing work. So, I just force myself out of bed and struggle through the day. Thank goodness I don't have to deal with the public!! To answer you question,I'm am in Montreal,Quebec Canada. I managed to sleep last night, hopefully tonight will be the same! Thanks again. Talk soon!
✘ Not a client'aimee' wrote on '25:I was realy frustrated when I wrote that last night. Funny, I would never have written anything like that to anyone had it not been for this site!
I was just about to post a new topic and wondering what to call it when I read yours. I was going to say almost the same thing! Recently, I have about 1 1/2 weeks of good sleeps and I was so excited, thinking that the new meditation audio, starting yoga again and my new membership at Insomnialand had totally worked. I always feel so awesome when I sleep, even my boyfriend notices and is happy too. Then this past week I only slept well 2 out of 5 work nights (approx 4 hours per night). It's so depressing! It just kills my energy and optimism about things in my life. I just want it to stop! It just kills me when I'm so exhausted and have sore muscles then I can't fall asleep AGAIN! I wasn't always like this (only occasional before and this past year has become more consistent). It was so comforting to read your post (and everyones replies) because sometimes I feel like I'm going to lose my mind! I think it is emotional but I'm not really stressed out anymore. I'm going to try rearranging my bedroom. I'm also hoping that summer will help things since it has been a long cold winter where I am. I have been debating whether I should just take sick leave from work but I know it looks bad if future employers somehow find out. Also, since I'm trying to get pregnant, I'm not sure if it's a good idea. (Has anyone else taken time off work to try and deal with sleep problems?) Sorry, I'm totally rambling! I hope we will both be in a good sleep cycle again soon!
March 22, 2011 at 7:31 pm in reply to: looking for FREE online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia #12259kerrivw
✘ Not a clientThanks a lot. I will definitely check it out and let you know if it helps
March 19, 2011 at 10:10 pm in reply to: looking for FREE online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia #12255kerrivw
✘ Not a client'jayinsf' wrote on '19:Take a look at the book Say Goodnight to Insomnia by Greg Jacobs. He is a pioneer on using CBT for insomnia. I went to a sleep specialist and the book was on his recommended list. (I had already started reading it.) The book takes you through a 6-week program. I did most of it though not as religiously as I probably should have. It also for example has you writing down your negative thoughts about sleep. The sleep doctor put me on a sleep restriction regimen that again I have drifted off of since going to him; I was just too exhausted all the time. I also took an online mindfullness meditation course through UCLA that is also a 6-week program, that is very good. It is all helping, my sleep has become steadier somewhat, though I'm still not out of the woods yet. For me, it all boils down to my anxiety about my job, which I started this past year, and I'm not sure how well it's working out. I don't know how much I'm going to be able to accomplish as long as I continue to feel a lot of stress and anxiety about the job. But even there, I think meditation should help somewhat.
Thanks a lot. I will check out that book for sure. It's always stressful starting a new job. I always stress anyways.. I hope you will settle in and with time feel more relaxed and comfortable there. I don't know if you read one of my earlier posts on this website I found called “Moodgym” but it's free CBT for depression (not that you are depressed). I started the first section and it's a lot about identifying what kind of “thinker” you are and how to get rid of negative thoughts. I don't know…maybe it might help you feel more confident that you will be awesome at your new job
Thanks again and good luck with everything.
✘ Not a client'Martin' wrote on '17:Welcome to the group, Kerri! As you've already seen, we're a very supportive bunch of people.
Thanks for introducing yourself. I look forward to reading more of your posts and getting to know you better. Good luck with getting pregnant and hopefully we can all help you deal with your insomnia.
Thank you! Even though I have been sleeping better this past week, it is comforting to know I have somewhere to turn if it comes back.
March 17, 2011 at 4:12 pm in reply to: looking for FREE online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia #12253kerrivw
✘ Not a client'cherrychapstik' wrote on '16:I don't know anything free. I have been going to a therapist who does a lot of CBT and it has helped me immensely. He is free for me because I am a student. You should look for local clinics; sometimes there are ways to get free or reduced cost sessions. I can tell you some things that my therapist has be do to change my thoughts. I have a lot of exercises and “homework” that I've been given. One of them was “4 facts” Whenever your sleep makes you worry about something in your life you write 4 facts that combat it.
For example: “I'm never going to get to sleep. It's going to ruin my day tomorrow.”
Facts: “Last night I got a few hours.” “I was still able to make it through the day today.” “I enjoy being in bed next to my husband, so it could be worse.” “If I can't sleep I can get up and get things done.”
I do this with all negative thoughts, and I write them down.
Another one I love is my “Mr. Most Likely Situation.” It's very similar, but I tend to focus on the worst possible situation, so my therapist tells me to write down the most likely situation.
Example: “I'm never going to get to sleep. It's going to ruin my day tomorrow.”
Mr. Most Likely: “I will probably sleep for a couple hours. Tomorrow isn't going to be horrible. It will probably be a normal day. I will be tired, but I'm not going to have the worst day ever.”
Example: “I had to read my essay in class, and I hated it. I'm embarrassed and everyone is going to think of me and my crappy essay.”
Mr. Most Likely: “My class probably won't even remember my essay next week. In fact, I probably won't even remember my essay.”
One last exercise (I have a million more!) is compartmentalization. Visualize a box with the word “Sleep” on it, then visualize all of your worries about sleep going into the box. All of them. Then visualize putting a lid on the box, and putting it on a shelf. It helps me to put my worries away. Sorry if I got carried away, but I know how you feel. I didn't want to take pills either, but try not to stress over it too much or it will make the insomnia worse. Every doctor and therapist has told me this. Go slow. It's better that you get sleep than no sleep. Just work on the CBT. When you finally feel able to sleep, you won't worry as much about the pills. This is where I'm at. I don't need them as much. Try Mindfulness. It's wonderful once you get the hang of it. I like breathing exercises. I do them whenever I feel stressed about sleep. It can get better I promise!
Thanks so much! I really believe that just changing negative to positive thoughts can have a big impact when combined with relaxation exercises since this is what I have been doing this past week and it's been working! Don't worry about sending me too much info about CBT for insomnia since I'm looking for all the help I can get! You can even attach files if it's easier that typing
Thanks again!
✘ Not a client'cherrychapstik' wrote on '16:Ambien can be taken during pregnancy. It's an “AB” drug which means it is safe. My sister-in-law gets pregnancy induced insomnia, so she takes 5 mg when she's pregnant.
That's great! Thanks a lot for the info so I can ask my doctor about taking Ambien while I'm trying to conceive.
✘ Not a client'cherrychapstik' wrote on '16:Welcome! Nice to meet you. Insomnia sucks, and it's true that people that don't have it don't get it. I take ambien, although after about 7 months of taking it, I think it's finally losing its effects. Perfect timing too, because I'm starting to sleep better, which means I could go off it for a while and then go back on it if I needed to. Is there an underlying reason for your insomnia?
Possible underlying reasons include: I stopped smoking pot/cigarettes and stressed about fertility BUT I think I have things under control now. Been sleeping better without any pills so hopefully it will stay that way.