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✓ ClientThis is a great thread. Laumat you have written a powerful message to all of us on here. Martin & Irina have added superbly as well. It’s news like this that keep us all going to get to that position/acceptance you have described. Really brilliant
✓ ClientHi Martin – I had a poor night’s sleep last night due to the Hypnic jerks. For tonight what advice would you give so I don’t worry too much about my sleep. I feel during the next day of a bad night’s sleep the night before it’s hard not to think about how will I get on tonight. That cycle continues. I need to blank out the negative thoughts. All the best
✓ Clientbetty – thanks for posting things that have worked for you.
✓ ClientThanks ppagonis for your advice. Did you or someone you knew have any episodes of Hypnic Jerks? And if yes, as you say above how did you deal with them. Once you do tangle yourself up in a battle with them then the struggle begins. I’m trying my best not to get too much in a tangle with them.
✓ ClientThanks Martin for the quick reply. I will take onboard your advice and really practice the AWAKE exercise during the night and the NOW exercise during the day hours. I really want to have so called normal sleeping pattern. Would going to bed earlier assist with trying to get longer hours in sleeping wise before the early morning awakenings or still stick to go to bed only when I’m sleepy?
✓ ClientGreat posts above Frank & Chee. I slept well until Dec 2022. Since then it’s been like a roller coaster. I absolutely hate wakening up after 3 – 4 hrs sleep in the middle of the night. This is when my struggle starts. I seem to have an issue getting back to sleep. It’s a constant battle. What should I do in this scenario? Try to accept as there seems very little I can do when I try to nod off again. It’s like someone is pressing a button saying “hey you, you’re not going to sleep”. It’s a very lonely place wakening up at that time each morning while the rest of the family are all still in their deep dreams.
✓ ClientHi Martin – thanks for getting back. Currently it’s like a battle I’m in. Trying quickly to get back to sleep just isn’t happening. It’s like I’m stuck in a constant loop. What makes it worse is that when I do try to nod off again the Hypnic jerk returns. I’m able to cope better with the Hypnic jerks at the start of my sleep cycle when I’m more sleepy and my body is ready to sleep. It seems after the 4 hrs my mind/body is saying “hey what do u think your doing trying to fall sleep again” – what approach would you say I should take to get out of this awful loop – The next day it’s constant on my mind saying is it going to be the same battle tonight again – Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
✓ ClientHi Steph – thanks for the replies. It’s great to see you being so positive. Last night I had a terrible night. After wakening up early after a few hours instead of embracing this and doing something worth while I lay in bed tossing & turning and being really frustrated and angry. Always saying to myself how am I going to cope tomorrow, my eyes will be shattered & I will look really down & tired. I will need to take onboard the techniques you are introducing for yourself. All the best
✓ ClientBBS – great post. The above scenario you describe is what I’m currently going through. I wake up after 4 hrs sleep and cannot get back to sleep. This then becomes the challenge for me. I struggle with thoughts/worry on not getting enough sleep. Do I need to accept this or what can I do to improve my sleep. Lying in bed wide awake is not a great feeling. How will I change that? All the best
✓ ClientHi Aly – It was December 2021 when I first started having the Hypnic Jerks. The first 2 months I had very little sleep. I struggled through it but it was very difficult. I contacted Martin in late January 2022. One of the things that has helped me improve was to get in to a regular sleep pattern. Only going to bed when sleepy and getting up at the same time every morning. It’s difficult getting up at the same time when you had very little sleep the previous night. As Martin states, you cannot force yourself to sleep. Going to the gym earlier in the day, going for a walk in the morning, getting in to a routine has helped as well. I have never taken any medication but I do take some supplements. Magnesium is a vital supplement for the muscle jerks. They say a good balance of electrolytes can assist with the Hypnic jerks. Currently having more good nights than bad but still not at pre December 2021 sleep pattern. Initially my main issue was not been able to nod off to sleep but now it’s the awakening piece after 2 – 3 hours is my main issue. Once I wake after this time I struggle to get back to sleep. Trying my best with the AWAKE technique. All the best
✓ ClientHi Martin – regarding some of the stuff written above what is the best way to tackle the next day when one has had a very poor night with little sleep. When I have a poor night of sleep the next day seems to be taking up by me constantly thinking what if this happens again tonight. It’s like a continuous loop. Do I just need to accept this and get on with the good things during the day? What technique(s) should I try to master to get me over this continual fear of what is going to happen tonight? All the best
✓ ClientHi Aly – some of the things you have written I can relate to them as well. Hypnic jerks (body jolts) is something that I’ve been experiencing for months now. Seems one cannot control these. I have the jolts when I’m about to fall asleep. First couple of months very little sleep at all. Things are getting better but I do have the bad nights as well. I’m keeping track of things I do that day to see if there is a pattern. What food I eat, going to the gym, etc. I’ve spoken to Martin previous regarding the Hypnic jerks. It’s part of the fight or flight / hyperarousal state. As you say it’s like you cannot switch off. All we can do is take Martin’s advice onboard and hopefully start relaxing more. All the best
✓ ClientThis exercise has been very positive for me. Instead of writing them down I’m now doing this mentally when I go to bed. My thoughts seem to be refocused and this is a big help assisting with switching off the unnecessary thoughts and allowing sleep to happen more natural. I will keep doing it.
✓ ClientHi Martin – the wakefulness piece is the one that gets me most nights. I struggle to get back to sleep once I wake up. What is the best way to overcome this? I know you say to acknowledge it. What is the best technique to try and overcome this.
Martin MKriskin1
✓ ClientSome great info from both of you on this thread. I will start trying to cut out eating and drinking water after a certain time of the evening.