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✘ Not a clientHey Steve,
So sorry about your rough night ,they can sure be annoying !!
Praying tonight will be much better!Padron,
Idk HOW… I missed your rant, I was just reading back on earlier posts…got to yours …and was literally cracking up !!! I believe we ALL related to that one!!Resting better, just this waking up 300 times a night is getting old …haha (ok only6-10) really practicing accepting it and believing that better nights will come!
✘ Not a clientJust checking in,
Also feeling a bit out of sorts of late, although doing pretty well on keeping it positive, i do feel a bit like You Padron , like maybe I’m just not getting it. I have to admit , however that I dont spend time during the day to practice mindfulness , I just get busy and wait until I get in bed… for those of you that have been sleeping pretty well , did you consistently ‘practice’ throughout the day ??
When I had done SO well for. a those couple weeks, I was beyond thrilled and felt rested ( even with the many wakes)
Just been having a tough time getting back to sleep , so thoughts? Is it my lack of practicing maybe?Pam1129
✘ Not a clientGsdmom,
Oh how we all feel your pain!
I’ve shared before as well, how frustrating it was to feel as tho we can make such great strides, as if we’re well on our way to
( somewhat) normalcy … only to fall back into that trap of ‘nil sleep’
BUT , as Deb shared and others
Hang in there, you ‘will’ get back on track!! Try and Remember and hold onto those nights that were ‘great!!’ It’ll be back!!!!
I had a really tough several days of what you’re experiencing … so got on here And asked for support , you all were wonderful and responded with kind words and helpful tips … this week is going Much Better! Just reminding myself that years of insomnia may just take a bit of time and patience’…
Hang in there gsdmom??
To a restful nightPam1129
✘ Not a clientHey Steve ,
Gotcha! I sometimes have my book info mixed up, oops! (That was Sasha’s book then).
It was a bit better last night thanks for asking!Pam1129
✘ Not a clientHey Steve
I’m glad you’re having ‘some better’nights of Sleep/rest… and I truly hope you find what works best for you with your sleep apnea!
You’ve shared your ‘times’ of wake ups …. is this a guesstimate or do you ‘see’ what the time is? Just wondering ….
I know for me , that was ‘one’thing that was the hardest to let go, Not ever looking at the time…
I just felt I had to know , did I sleep? How long? When can I get up? Ect…
Anyway, letting that go (although sleeps been a bit rough of late)
Was Huge for me! Knowing my alarm was set, ‘if’ I had to get up at a certain time, finally became enough for me and I was able to let that ‘piece of anxiety’ go!Pam1129
✘ Not a clientThanks to you all!!!! Deb, Steve, gsdmom, Borgesbi , Daf and Mac… just needed those reminders, and really appreciate the care and ‘pick me up!’
it IS a process for sure! Also to remind me how far I/we’ve all come … hoping for a great zzzzz night for us all!!Pam1129
✘ Not a clientWould love some encouragement…. feeling a bit weary today .. was on such a high from sleeping relatively good for a couple weeks , to the last 4-5 days of nil sleep
I did watch Jon Kabats 28 min video last night and was very impressed with how well he explained things . ( last night was my worst haha)
I really feel as tho I’m not super anxious on my many ‘wakes’ throughout the night…but idk it’s also been tougher falling back to sleep …
I realize this takes time, and maybe that’s all I need to hear from those that are feeling ‘cured’ ( or close to it)
Anyway I SOO appreciate this thread! Youve all been very helpful and encouraging !!Pam1129
✘ Not a clientTo Martin;
Although I am
Not a client I too want to thank You for allowing us ‘a voice ‘ to discuss our experiences ! Thank youfor the free clinic and the daily emails I received from you for that time frame! You helped me a lot!Deb ;
Acceptance for me is quite similar, in that I too , have a strong faith and truly believe that I was ‘holding on too tight’ to the feelings that ‘this cant possibly work’ or ‘this is stupid , I am to accept that I’m restless and WAIT…WELCOME it,no way, that can’t possibly work .. HA!’
But, when I would go to bed, I would let whatever thoughts come, think on them, play around with them in my mind a bit, then go back to thinking how great it feels to be in bed resting…ect … and not too long after, fall asleep ( not every night is so simple, but I have made that ok as well )
Accepting to me , is ‘whatever does happen, be it a ‘Great night’ or a Poor night!’ That’s OK …. because the fact is … I’m WAAAY better than I was when I started all this!!
I believe i was also making it TOO difficult , overthinking too much , on whether what I’ was doing ( the process ) was right or wrong, instead of just relaxingPam1129
✘ Not a clientBluesky,
First all I’m so sorry about your rough nights , my apologies if you’ve mentioned this already in a previous post …: but have you read ‘The Sleep Book?’ By Guy MeadowsPam1129
✘ Not a clientgsdmom
thanks for responding, I am pretty new into this( just a few weeks,) I will just keep on then! Because I stay away from ‘looking ‘at the time, it feels as tho it’s every 1 1/2-2 hours , it’s pretty much throughout the whole night (which has been my pattern for years)
I actually do ( most nights) feel more refreshed …. which is quite exciting and ‘new’ for me, that’s why I can stay pretty positive , I can sometimes find myself getting a bit anxious in bed after my 4th wake, but I remind myself , that’s ‘thats Ok , and that the bed feels good and so on… then eventually drift back to sleep !
Thanks to you allPam1129
✘ Not a clientDeb, or anyone else that has been successful with ACT…
Although my sleep has def improved, I still will wake up quite often… I’m guessing it just takes time??Pam1129
✘ Not a clientGsdmom,
No my sleep is Not a solid 5-7, however , it’s so much better than it’s ever been, so I am enjoying that! I would say it’s the best from 10:30-12:30 ish ( I still am staying away from ‘looking at the time ‘) then it’s light and fragmented till 5 am
But again, I’m hoping this is the beginning of some deeper and more restful nights!
I’ wish I Just knew how to ‘stay’ asleep!!!! ?Pam1129
✘ Not a clientDeb!
Thank you for sharing that! I too feel a lot of those same feelings!
Whether I’m in the honeymoon period, or not, I believe the biggest change for me has def been my attitude about insomnia… in Sasha’s the Effortless Sleep Book , she mentioned having a positive attitude at all times about our insomnia , even if it wasn’t the ‘whole truth’ and felt like a lie , she said begin small… ‘replace negative sleep talk with positive statements’
Example; I had such a good night last, I could have slept for hours this morning ‘
She said, ‘see how it feels, it’s empowering, and makes you feel like a ‘normal person’
She mentions we all are constantly using affirmations that reinforce our beliefs , so if we are constantly saying we are ‘bad sleepers’ or ‘nothing works for me’ we are reinforcing the already strong belief that we are terrible sleepers and nothing works for us!!!
This one HIT me hard!! It actually made me MAD when I first read it ! I thought ‘she has No idea how stupid that sounds!
But I was SO desperate for HELP, that I would and felt I had DONE everything !!! So the next day I decided when asked about my sleep , I would tell them (my fib) “I am doing much better thank you” it was SO HARD ,because they’d be so excited for me , knowing my many years of struggles … I would then want to say ‘No , actually it’s really still been CRAP!!’ But I bit my tongue and smiled … ha!!
Anyway ALL this to say, I truly sincerely believe this was the start to my success with sleep of late!! I’ve been sleeping 5-7 hours for the past week ( still waking several times) I was lucky to get 2-4 hrs on a good night
Like Deb I want to encourage any of you, to work on
Being positive, ( I KNOW it’s not easy, in fact it sounded near impossible to me when I first attempted )
But then again WHY NOT!!
To me ,now just writing it, even sounds crazy, all these many years of struggling .
She also says ;
‘Positive affirmations are very powerful and if used properly will really speed up your belief change regarding insomnia’Pam1129
✘ Not a clientWow Steve that’s awesome!!
I’m thrilled for you! How great is it to read about so many successes of late!?! Ya I hear ya on the ‘wakes’ I look forward to someday waking to
An alarm, just to say I slept ALL night, straight through ha! However , just the fact that Sleep ‘has’ returned is an absolute delight!, and feels
More Like a miracle’ As many of us have shared at one time or another , we thought we truly were Broken and there was no cure for us… I’m feeling pretty positive now!!! Yes I know there will be some rough nights, But he mentioned ‘normal people’ struggle , on occasion sooo I’ guess I’m close to Normal again lol!!
I’ve been out of the country for several days and heading home today … I haven’t yet shared with my husband , that Ive finished my book and have been sleeping…He has been SO wonderful and supportive to me
Through all of these years, and has felt so helpless in what he could do for me…and he also knew , that I didn’t like talking about it much… I would tell him, so he wouldn’t ask how my night was ‘ when I have a good night , you will be the first to know, I promise ‘
BUT ….. today I get to share the GOOD NEWS!!! I can’t wait!! He will be blown away!!!?sorry this is so long… I just want all of you to get some sleep ….hang in there for those that are still struggling , please if you haven’t done so I would encourage you to read Guys bookPam1129
✘ Not a clientGood to hear gsdmom!!
I’m beginning to fall in love with him myself!! Seriously I am still just blown away at How MANY years I have struggled with insomnia only to Now be told to ACCEPT it hahaha!! I almost didn’t even read that book after those ‘words’ crossed the page! But since I had tried countless other things, I am just glad I hung in there ,and now have started implementing the tools.
I slept for the first time in a VERY long time ..
7 hours Last night?
and only woke 3 times!!! I am BEYOND excited! I even went to amazon to write my first review about this very thing on Guys Sleep book’
I truly ,again have all of you to thank for this blog , the encouragement , the struggles, the successes and challenges have kept me going and believing that someday this would be in the past…
I realize there will be rough nights, but at least now instead of ‘fighting it’ I am learning to ‘accept it’ …: still blows me away!!’ This would have been great to have my Dr. prescribe THIS Instead of yet another sleeping pill !! To think sleep could have happened 19 years ago… But ….
I am very grateful ….Now!! -