Feeling stuck in the insomnia struggle? Get the free insomnia sleep training course!
- This topic has 1,626 replies, 44 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Hbhigg.
September 12, 2019 at 1:59 am #32355
Hey Steve ,
Gotcha! I sometimes have my book info mixed up, oops! (That was Sasha’s book then).
It was a bit better last night thanks for asking!September 12, 2019 at 2:13 pm #32358How’s some of the rest of you that we haven’t heard from in a little while – Nik Burn, Ellen/Featherly, Suren, Karen, Mac & Delv?
September 12, 2019 at 2:22 pm #32359Hey Deb hope all is well. I am currently in my third wave of SRT for 2019. As you know my problem has been relapses. The difference I’ve decided this time is that I will go even longer, several more months even, before I begin to go off SRT after I begin doing better. I think part of my mistake, during the two times I’ve gone through SRT this year was, possibly weaning off of it too soon. Then slowly but surely the monster of Insomnia came back, whether more naturally like the first time, or triggered by the special event the second.
It was as if the second I felt ok, I would then begin going off SRT, sleeping in on the weekends, going to bed not super tired, etc. So at least I’m going to try something different this time, right? In the last week and a half since I was on here with my second breakdown of the year, I’ve been sleeping better for the most part. Seems as if SRT is working as I knew it would. Around 10:30pm I’m getting that crazy sleep drive where I can no longer keep my eyes open. I head to bed and then I’m out by 11 or so. Some nights I’ve slept until by 6am alarm, others I’ve woken a bit early. Last night was a bit tougher actually. This past Sat and Sun I slept until around 7 though which wasn’t a good thing, but I’ve learned that as long as I don’t go TOO far crazy with sleeping in, and generally stay within that 6-7am timeframe, it’s not the end of the world.
I’ll report back here soon man. In the meantime if you have any other advice or tips, by all means please share.
September 12, 2019 at 2:23 pm #32360Hi Deb,
The past 5 or so days (not counting or logging) have been pretty good. Not much issues falling asleep. I would get up 2 times or so and go to the bathroom and back and lay there and drift back in no time. A few of those days I would wake up about 30 minutes before when I should, but not concerned about that. I just lay there for 15-20 and drift in/out or just get out and start my day a few minutes earlier.
Just trying not making a big deal about it. Having a few bad nights in a row brings me to trying to fix it when it fixes itself. Doing nothing fixes it much faster. I hope everyone else is doing well.
September 12, 2019 at 3:09 pm #32361Hi All-
I’m almost afraid to put this in writing but I’ve had 5 straight weeks of between 6 – 8 hours of sleep. Up until then, after my completion of Martins course I was averaging 2 nights of insomnia a week. I was addicted to my sleep rituals, special glasses at night, rigid wind down, rigid SR, SC, lavender, melatonin, light therapy box etc. I attribute my ongoing healing, I will not say cure, to doing 15 + minutes of mindfulness meditation a day. I have done this pretty much daily since May. I try to use my mindfulness tools throughout the day as well. As I told you before, I need a crutch so I use the 10% mindfulness app. You are assigned to an online coach that you can ask questions etc. I have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety in past, and this has helped my daytime anxiety immensely!! Don’t they say it takes 8 weeks to shrink the amygdala? I consider my insomnia now to be a GIFT that has enabled me to defuse my anxiety during the day! I have shed all the rituals except the lavender, light therapy box and the melatonin. I do modified SR. I want to go to bed sleepy! I’m trying to be more flexible and play with it some. For example last night was the first time since January that I went to bed without reading for 20 or so minutes. Did I tell you I’m also OCD? : ). I went to bed after watching tv, (not in bed) and lo and behold I slept! It’s almost like taking a cast off a broken bone, I’m very cautious about my healing but feeling so very hopeful. I don’t set my alarm, and try not to clock watch, (sometimes I do). My window is about 10:30 to 6. I can’t seem to sleep past 6 am, and that’s another gift of my insomnia. I love the early mornings now! I’ve read Guy Meadows book twice, but really got more from his app, cause I’m a visual person. So as I told Martin, I think I’m doing a hybrid ACT with CBTI. Mild SR with Mindfulness has been the key. Although I don’t post much, I pray for you all and your recovery every day! I also pray in thanksgiving for Martin who set me on my path to healing.September 12, 2019 at 3:22 pm #32362Good post Karen . Would you mind sharing what mindfulness techniques you use during your 15 minutes per day? Thanks
September 12, 2019 at 4:52 pm #32364Hi all and thanks for checking on us Deb,
My nights are still variable, though they are sure better on average than during the this summer. When I am able to get into acceptance state, I fall asleep fine. But on some nights I still struggle and don’t catch myself in struggling promptly. For instance, when I almost fell asleep on a recent night, but woke up immediately, I started overthinking whether I am accepting or struggling and I couldn’t figure it out till morning. Obviously, I was struggling, but couldn’t catch myself in how exactly I was doing it.
Interestingly, anxiety was much diminished recently. It is now mostly overthinking that I am struggling with recently.
September 12, 2019 at 5:20 pm #32365I follow a new guided meditation each day. Haven’t repeated one yet. There’s about a 4 minute video explanation first, and then the meditation. Focusing on the breath or another focal point, noting thoughts, sensations or emotions when they appear, then focusing back on breath. This has helped me at night so much! If during the day a thought comes in and I get anxious, I note it and go back to my breath. The practice during the day reinforces mindfulness at night. Sounds a lot like Guy’s book doesn’t it?
September 12, 2019 at 6:33 pm #32366Sounds like everyone is making progress, doing what they feel works best for them. That’s great! I’m doing well too, into my sixth week of being a normal sleeper.
September 14, 2019 at 4:47 pm #32383I think I’m going to give ACT a try since rigid CBT doesn’t really help with my early morning awakening. I can sleep 4.5 to 5.5 hrs in one chunk but then have trouble getting back to sleep. I’ve ordered guy meadows book
I’m also planning on doing a video conference with the sleep school. There is a appointment open next week and was planning on doing that but should I read the the book first?
I get negative sleep thoughts plus negative thoughts in general when I awaken early that don’t stop. What should I do with those with regards to ACT?
September 14, 2019 at 5:04 pm #32384Greetings!
I’m catching up on all the posts and grateful to have Deb. Her encouragement and information keep me on track. It is so nice to have someone asking after me. Thank you Deb! Steve clued me into that. It brought me back to the forum. I’ve been with ACT about a month now. It is a HUGE change from where I was after 6 months of CBT-i. I currently have a leisurely 7 to 7.5 hours of staying in bed. I have variable nights with 6+ hours of sleep on good ones (3 times/week), with brief awakenings. I’m much more relaxed and spend significantly less energy on negative emotions surrounding sleep.After reading the previous posts I’m understanding some of my difficulty though. My nighttime active mind and the fleeting thoughts are considered struggle. I need to recognize it (describe, welcome, accept) without overthinking. Then let it go. I’ve just been allowing it, and it keeps my from deeper sleep (if this is a form of light sleep), on the not so good nights.
I’m reminded to stay on track and use the app. I understand it has some different information from the book. Good to be back here!
September 14, 2019 at 5:56 pm #32385Glad you’re doing better, Featherly/Ellen! Sounds like you’re sleeping better and learning to let things go. That should help you fall back asleep.
Padron – welcome to the ACT thread. That’s great that you’re planning to have a video conference. I would recommend reading the book first if you can. And also beginning to practice the tools from the book. Then you won’t be asking questions that are already answered in the book and can ask questions based on what you’re experiencing while practicing ACT. The book will also answer your question about what to do with those negative thoughts when you wake up early. Basically do as Featherly above is doing. The book will explain it in more detail.
September 15, 2019 at 6:41 pm #32388My sixth week into ACT has been a relapse back into no sleep nights or 2-3 hours sleep nights for the last 6 nights. I’m so frustrated as the week before my sleep onset was getting shorter, and overall sleep better. I’m trying not to struggle, but the frustration gets difficult to calm lying in bed. I don’t feel that anxious (heartbeat seems normal). I’m functioning somewhat OK, even attended two tax classes. Anyone else struggling after feeling like they were almost at the finish line of sleep recovery? Trying to stay positive, hoping Martin is right when he says that sleep will eventually come (and sooner than later for me!)
September 15, 2019 at 8:49 pm #32390Sorry you’ve had a bad week, Gsdmom. As I’ve shared before, at about the 5th or 6th week of doing CBT I had a relapse. It was so discouraging. But Martin told me to just keep going and that I would get back on track, which is exactly what happened. So if you can, try not to let it get to you because as you know, anxiety about it only makes things worse. I realize that this is easier said than done, but just try to hang in there and do what’s been working for you so far. We’re cheering for you!
September 15, 2019 at 9:40 pm #32391Gsdmom,
Oh how we all feel your pain!
I’ve shared before as well, how frustrating it was to feel as tho we can make such great strides, as if we’re well on our way to
( somewhat) normalcy … only to fall back into that trap of ‘nil sleep’
BUT , as Deb shared and others
Hang in there, you ‘will’ get back on track!! Try and Remember and hold onto those nights that were ‘great!!’ It’ll be back!!!!
I had a really tough several days of what you’re experiencing … so got on here And asked for support , you all were wonderful and responded with kind words and helpful tips … this week is going Much Better! Just reminding myself that years of insomnia may just take a bit of time and patience’…
Hang in there gsdmom??
To a restful night -
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