Can anyone relate to these sleeping pill effects

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      So I started suffering with chronic insomnia a year ago. At first I’d have Zopiclone for sleep just for important events, then every 3rd night or so, now I’m on it every night and have been for 2-3 months.

      I’ve never felt worse. I’m so down, I can’t socialise or do anything at all anymore. I feel like a zombie. I can barely focus on a conversation, feel like I’m constantly about to pass out, and basically just feel so tired, heavy eyes and zoned out 24/7 – even on 7-8 hours of sleeping pill induced sleep. It’s important to note this usage is being managed by a medical professional.

      Im keen to know if this is a common side effects of daily sleeping pill use? Or if you’re reading this Martin if you’ve heard this before from clients. I’m trying to suss out if perhaps something else is causing this persistent fatigue.

      I have a plan in place to come off them and I’m really hoping I’ll feel better when I do. My quality of life is so poor right now😔

      ✘ Not a client

        Lozelise I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. I haven’t had that exact experience, but I can relate to sleeping meds not delivering the desired result. I’m glad you’re planning to work with your doctor to come off of those. I’m doing the same and have already reduced mine. I think you’ll find CBT-I helpful. Are you getting Martins emails? They’re super helpful! Wishing you the best!

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