Long story, as short as possible. 65 year old male, not over weight, still in great shape, athletically speaking, but have had chronic insomnia for over 20 years. Has gotten insanely worse over the past few years. Have had 3 sleep studies done. 1st one was maybe 15 years ago, result was some hypopneas, so cpap was prescribed. Maybe a little improvement in sleep. Sleep worsened, so a 2nd study was done maybe 8 years ago. They said I snored a bit, but no reason for cpap. A few years later I did an at home study which showed minor breathing disruptions. I’m very aware that’s the case, but only when on my back.
So here I am today. Very rarely sleep enough to feel decent. Literally about 98% of the time, I crawl out of bed feeling utterly exhausted, with no motivation to do anything, although I force myself to work out regularly, yard work, I have a recording studio, so I work with clients occasionally, etc.
I’ve tried a CBTi course, to no avail. I’ve read all of the Sleep Coach Schools books, hired a coach for a couple of weeks, on and on. Still go to sleep fairly easily, wake in about 1.5 to 2 hrs, go to bathroom, back to sleep, sleep again for maybe 2 to 3 hrs, then at some point I find myself wide awake. I don’t watch the clock, but I think it’s likely around 4am. Not panicked, not anxious, I just lay there and rest. Eventually I may drift back off for a bit, and by daybreak, even though I find myself VERY sleepy, I either can’t sleep because I have to get up to take my 16 year old son to school, or I simply just never fall back asleep, and as mentioned, feel absolutely horrible!
So there you have it, my not so short long story. I’m very close to taking more temazepam (haven’t had any for maybe 5 years or more), since i know it’ll at least help knock me out.. but really, REALLY don’t want to go back that road again. Sigh
Like I said, I’m completely at a loss. Thanks for reading.