Hi Peppe, it sounds like you are going through a rough time. All I can offer is my own experience. Maybe there is something you can use here. I can say that I have gone through a similar journey.
I wouldn’t say sleep hygiene is a joke, but I agree it only touches the surface, and can seem superficial when the insomnia goes deeper.
“Insomnia makes it impossible for me to live a normal life”—I can relate to this as well, but I would substitute “really hard” for “impossible”– When I was living through what seemed like a slice of hell–exhaustion, the temptation to despair, not go anywhere/do anything— I would try to remember just to focus on the nanosecond, this speck of time, I was in. Not how am I going to deal with driving to the store five minutes from now. Just making it through this nanosecond. Often described as mindfulness and often disparaged as stupid, irrelevant, etc. But the alternative is to try to deal with everything which may happen in the future right now, which is not only overwhelming but unnecessary.
I hope you will stick with the forum and even consider Martin’s course, where he addresses in detail how to not cede power to insomnia, e.g. not planning anything. The forum alone has lots of good info at no charge. There are success stories, and also posts similar to yours—which show there are lots of people out there going through this. We can learn from each other.
I hope you can give yourself credit for making it this far. Don’t give up.