Getting out of bed

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  • #79090
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      I’ve been “wrestling” with insomnia for about 6 months now. I’ve done all the things meditation, mindfulness, daily exercise, and most importantly practicing acceptance which I go in and out of all the time. I’ve had periods of pretty good sleep 2-3 weeks and am currently experiencing a set back. It’s very hard not to let my mind go to dark places. I have always struggled so much with forcing myself to get out of bed in the night and to be totally honest I usually don’t. When I have gotten out in the past it seems to do nothing and possibly makes my anxiety worse as I lay in bed thinking about when I have to get back out again. I have a really hard time at night not getting completely frustrated with my mind as I just can’t seem to stop thinking about all things sleep. I’m also wondering about utilizing yoga nodra/sleep hypnosis aids while in bed? Is that something I shouldn’t do? I go to that when I’m desperate. Any help/advise very much appreciated. Thank you

      ✓ Client

        Stop doing things for sleep. Including even thinking about it. Yes it may be a bit difficult at first, it tends to get easier over time, please start now because the faster you let go, the faster you get out. Just set a schedule for bed and that’s all you need. Please also entertain whatever thoughts you have about sleep at the moment or how you may think other things might affect it, but just remain as an observer or neutral and they don’t translate into any action. Continue to do the things you truly enjoy, and continue to keep to your sleep schedule. Over time, you just become immune to the fear and it doesn’t bother you anymore. Try to practice achievement without any concerted effort, it’s like when you learnt walking as a child, you didn’t know how it began and didn’t bother about making any progress but over time, you just became slowly better at it. This is exactly how you should approach sleep. People start becoming good sleepers again without effort or intention or much thought. Good luck!

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