Not sure where to begin so I'll start with a few basics about myself. I'm a male and in my 40's. I'm also tall (6.5 or 1.95m) – and not over-weight. Other factoids that might contribute to my sleep dilemma(s) is/are – I have a low BP, I've been told I snore, I might have apneas, and my hair is thinning (male pattern baldness). I've never been for professional help, nor have I tried any medications.
I've had trouble with sleep for over 20 years. Most of the time it is disturbed sleep. The kind where something wakes me up and then I stay awake for ages before eventually – (usually more than an hour later) – falling back to a light and unsatisfactory sleep. Or, as is typically the case – I just give up and get up early.
I'm now a sleep nerd. I'm self educated from web-links and news forums. I've tried loads to improve my situation and some have been successful others not. I'd like to share what I've been able to do to help my situation as well as contribute where and when I can with information concerning what hasn't worked for me.
The simpler things that have helped me most are – a really good blind-fold and black-out curtains, a cold bedroom and warm bed/bed clothes to prevent loss of body heat. It is a delicate balance because if I get too warm or too cold then I will wake up.
More complicated issues relating to sleep include trying to understand physiological components like a the Autonomic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems and a part of the brain referred to as the RAS, also the Circulatory system and venous muscle pump . – which is why I mentioned my height, bp, hair loss etc.
Thanks for reading this much and now I'll have a look at the forums….