Hello always seems better then “good” anything.
Especially here when good might depend on how much
of anything you got last night. Pardon me Davy, if I am
suppose to wait for Martin to comment 1st. I seem to want
to respond to most. Even if I cannot relate with the post.
Other than several obvious reasons for (I guess) all of us.
Sharing how long it had been since I got back to sleep. And
now working of a week (5 days) in a row, I don’t want to
upset any of us who did not get what they need individually.
My new frustration is this site, and my inability to navigate!
I think I have been here from the 25th. Since then I have had
5 consecutive nights of (my current sleep pattern/cycle)
This site’s best for me (so far) is my attitude towards my situation
alike or not to all here. I was to the point of being scared.
So, Davy as far as the bad thought; when and where are you having them?
My last visit I read a post describing being more acute and aware as the hours and
days rolled along. Like being able to do math in your head, never
being able to before! And then confirming I was actually correct.
I stopped watching time march 15th (another acquired tool) and
since then my (when needed) timing is more accurate, all the time.
ALL of these experiences are perplexing, AND I don’t care why I am
back in my sleep range. I am only doing Valarian & Melatonin liquid
drops before bed. And to much grass during the day.
Another natural thing is the weather is changing, and as it becomes
cooler, I think, or have always thought it is more accommodating
for sleep.
Smile the next time you have one of these bad thoughts.
It is just passing 8am PMT in H. B. California. on
this 1st day of October.