Hi Everyone – it’s weird but I used to be one of those people who had trouble sleeping only when I wasn’t in my own bed. So, like on vacations, hotels, camping, other people’s houses etc. I even get 20, yep 20 Ambien a YEAR, for those occasions and that was all fine and good. I’ve been an awesome sleeper, in my own bed, for ever. But, I think it was this one little thing, so stupid that got into my head and caused my “I can’t sleep,” ” gonna ruin everything if I don’t” insomnia mind set. I was starting to use the HeadSpace App to learn meditation and was doing great, when I watched one of their “helpful little videos,” about how trying to meditate is like trying to fall asleep – the harder you try the less you succeed. They had this little guy struggling to sleep, with the hands of the clocks zooming in his eyes and him just tossing and turning…well, that was all it took to throw me into insomnia. Plus, a particularly crazy full moon that same week (I’ve always been affected by the energy of the full moon). I have tried everything; persuaded my Mother-in-law to give me a few Xanax (of course that worked, but I want a permanent solution!) herbs, tinctures, breathing, hot baths, progressive muscle, drinking enough to just pass out…etc etc etc….
I am an anxious person to start and have spent my entire life trying to get off the worry train that seems to run in my family. Now, of course, it’s at full speed and I’m worried not sleeping in literally killing me or shortening my life. Again, none of that thinking is helping me. Vicious cycle in full affect. I’m seeing my docs on Friday to get a blood test, to make sure my thyroid is ok, but I kinda think it will all come back normal. I want this therapy to work and am invested. thanks for reading…