It won’t! That’s just you catastrophising, it’s an anxious thought about your relationship and that’s it. It’s not reality, it’s not a fact. It’s just a thought. You’re going through a rough time and it’s understandable you want to talk about it with your husband. I was the same way. I did get a journal to write my thoughts down, and that did help me quite a bit to get all my anxious thoughts out. It didn’t solve the problem, but it helped. I will tell you this: when I first got insomnia when I was six months pregnant with my son, I had a complete mental breakdown over it, and of course, at the time I thought it was because of the lack of sleep. But now that the insomnia is back and I’m beginning to change my mindset around it, I’m realizing the breakdown wasn’t due to lack of sleep—it was due to my reaction to it. This time around I’m working really hard to just live life like normal, no cancelling plans, no putting things off, etc., just because of a bad night’s sleep. It’s really hard to do, but it is helping with my mental health, and this time around my approach to this insomnia is much healthier than it was last time. Now I’m just working on the anxiety part of it, that hyper arousal I get in approach to bedtime. That’s the piece that’s really hard, but that’s why I just tell myself it’s going to take time and that’s okay. In the meantime if I have a bad night of sleep or a few bad nights, I will be okay, my kids will be okay, I will be able to take care of them.