Hi, I live in Dallas TX with my husband and daughter. I've had insomnia most of my adult life. I've been given every sleeping pill and antidepressants for sleep. (I also take antidepressants for depression.) The hypnotic meds (Ambien, Lunesta, etc.) put me to sleep if I take them with a small dose of klonapin, but usually I awake an hour or two later, and eat in a sleep induced state. At this point, I am dieting and exercise at a very high level so I am not gaining weight. But everything I eat during the night is sweet or bad food. I have gone as far as removing all sweet foods, processed foods, bread, and all snacks (which I keep in the house for my family), , and taken those bags of food and locked them in my car overnight or put them on a tall shelf in the garage. Sounds crazy but true! I also have seen a hypnotist but that didn't work. Some nights I get up twice and eat. Or get up three times and eat two out of three times. Sometimes I am so out of it that I eat in bed and find wrappers in bed, last night I even threw a full gallon of milk in the garbage (!!) after sleep eating. Why the garbage I don't know.
Recently I have reduced my dose of klonapin by 1/2 and am slowly weaning off of it completey. I also am trying to replace the Ambien with herbal sleep stuff for about 3-4 nights a week. Basically I would just stay in bed, tossing and turning, if I took no sleep meds at all.
I don't smoke or drink. As I said, I exercise six days a week, I cut off coffee after 3 pm, I get up early in the morning and I don't nap during the day.
Anyhow this is just a brief intro … I have posted on many psych/sleep forums and found no help for the sleep eating.