If sleep wasn’t any concern, or you have no concept of it, how would it affect what you are doing or enjoying now? And why do you even think sleep has anything to do with your joy or suffering? Does sleep really define who you truly are or what you are capable of? Reflect on these points deeply because I believe everyone, including you, already have the answers but you refuse to acknowledge them.
Making sleep the basis of your successes or failures is like blaming a rainy day for ruining your day and whatever your future plans are, the thing is does it really?? You can’t do anything about a rainy day, nobody can. And that’s exactly what you are trying to put the blame on when it comes to sleep. If your sleep has suffered as a result of having your girlfriend sleeping over, was it really all that bad? Well what about the joy of spending time intimately with your loved one in bed beside you and haven’t you enjoyed that as well? There are always two sides to the same coin. Why do you only want to find faults in your actions but refuse to acknowledge and cherish those good moments? Then what are you really complaining about? Everyone has the same 24 hours every day but it’s like you are still dissatisfied with your 24 hours and you want it to be 25, 26 or 30 hours! It is unrealistic and continuing to harbor unrealistic expectations will only prolong your suffering needlessly and not end it. Quit the complaining and relentless dissatisfaction and start accepting and appreciating things as they are. True joy is rarely ended through sheer effort alone but only through wisdom, deep understanding and empathy. Good luck.