I have been dealing or not with insomnia for nearly 5 months, it started after my first & only panic attack around getting tinnitus and what in Traditioanl Chinese medicine is called yin deficincy, which a symptom is insomnia. After never having any issues sleeping one day I didn’t sleep, the next was ok, the next not, then ok again for a week, I was also having sweats and vivid dreams after that constant pretty much for 2 months, anxiety, catastophising beyond measure, I thouhgt I was losing my mind. I haven’t taken chemical medication in 20+ years but I couldn’t see anyway out to break the cycle using what I thought would help. I tried OTC Nytol, didn’t really help, then perscription zopiclone, didn’t really help and made my thoughts very strange, I have been using melatonin & magnesium, california poppy, 5-htp, fenergen and have the last month had diazepam 7 times 10mg, which does give me amazing sleep, the others to varying degrees. I had a few weeks where just magnesium and melatonin were great, 6-9 hours per night, then it stopped when I stayed away from my house at y sisters. I dream alot too, sometimes crazy dreams, this was much more intense at first….I travel for work as a massage/wellness therapist and stayed in different places no problem, I have stopped as my mind is a jumbled mess, my decision making is shot, my confidence too. I walk daily, have started to jog, I had a daily yoga/breathing practice but found it harder to do with a racing mind and rubber necking/nodding off whilst practicing. I eat healthily, dont drink alcohol, I have had accupuncture, seeing a therapist, shamanic healings, somatic work for trauma.I loved sleeping, I feel I am placing to much importance on sleep and how I feel if I dont get enough, knowing that I have managed before on little sleep and very busy days/weeks. Its like I am looking for a switch that I cant find. I really want to drop the efforting that has replaced my no effort sleeping….