I am on day 7 of the two week free program. I am weaning off melatonin and CBD. Currently down to 1/4 of a pill and on the full 1 mg of CBD. Currently right now my challenge is when I wake up too early not triggoring my arousal system And having my anxiety kick in.
My initial cause was after I had my daughter and then it got kicked up a knotch when I had a medical procedure go wrong and after that I was diagnosed with GAD and was put on meds for a year. Two months ago I weaned o everything and now I am weaning off the “natural” sleep aids.
I was having a lot of issues before with getting sleepy enough to initially fall asleep but after going through this week of not taking any naps no matter how tired I am. I am just beat by the time bedtime arrives. Prior to my bedtime I literally have to get up off the couch if I feel myself dozing before bedtime and that is happening every night. I am now falling asleep at night between 7-15min. Which is a huge improvement for me especially since one of my huge problems before I started the program was falling asleep.
What brought me here was that I was weaning off the melatonin and CBD and felt I have been struggling with sleep for consistently on and off throughout my life but since having a baby and being treated for an anxiety disorder for 2 and a half solid years and I am just so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired! I want to feel refreshed when I wake and not be yawning all day long and fighting sleep all day because of how exhausted I feel. It’s hard enough running after a toddler then add not getting a good nights sleep day in and day out, it’s torture!
My worries are that I won’t be able to conquer this sleep problem. That I will always have this and always suffer. That I will always walk around with no energy, poor memory, a feeling that I could just fall on my face and sleep because I just feel so exhausted all the time. I’m scared I am going to continually keep waking up too early and not be able to fall back asleep again.