Hello all,
I found Martin’s program about 1.5 years ago when I was struggling with insomnia along with post-partum depression following the birth of my son, and I am so deeply grateful. I have never been a great sleeper but this was different. I did his 2-week free sleep training program and it was such an amazing game changer. Although it wasn’t a perfect, linear progress (as it never is) I completely changed my relationship to sleep, plus Martin is just such an amazing and kind person. Sleep really hasn’t been something that interferes with my life until a few weeks ago as we were preparing to come to France (we live in the US) for 6 weeks where my father-in-law lives. This is a trip I have been very excited about and one that I really orchestrated and pushed for.
I had a little bit of sleep difficulty leading up to the trip but used my usual tools (either getting up and doing breathing exercises or reading and of course going about my day the next day) and assumed it would pass. Then our flight was a red-eye and I didn’t really sleep at all which wasn’t surprising but I didn’t worry too much and assumed I would sleep once we were here. Well, we’ve been her a week now and my sleep has remained really bad–I takes me a very long time to fall asleep, I am probably sleeping 4-5 hours per night, and my previous tools aren’t working. I am trying so hard to understand why this is going on, I’m journaling, meditating, I’m still getting and doing things during the day, trying to be positive but nothing is working and I really don’t want to feel like this our entire trip. I understand there will be some adjustment with jet lag but this is clearly more than that. I am just wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this and has any tips, recommendations.
Thank you in advance, I have always found this to be a lovely, supportive group of people.