Medication and insomnia

Feeling stuck in the insomnia struggle? Get the free insomnia sleep training course!

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  • #40324
    ✘ Not a client

      @ Hbhigg let me know how it goes! I love how it has worked for me. Also, some great tips from another forum participant which really resonated with me:
      You can join us in the forum we are supporting each other.

      ✘ Not a client

        Hi Anmareta
        I am doing much better, going to bed at 12 up at six with only about 20mins to get to sleep and the same on waking once in the night.
        Feel good in the day now.
        What helped me most was just realising that
        1. Not sleeping wouldn’t kill me
        2. That just resting in bed calmly was ok, you don’t have to get up ( I found trying to judge how much time had passed, and so when I needed to get out of bed, extremely stressful)
        3. So many people have the same experiences.

        Hope to be able to keep on improving

        Hope you do well

        ✓ Client

          Greetings Hbhigg!
          Excellent insight there. You are slowly getting there!
          Insomnia is really not a problem. Seeing it as a problem becomes the problem. Realising this is the key to overcoming insomnia and build sleep confidence.

          Going forward, if you want to sleep more, get off any form of sleep tracking and go completely timeless where you don’t know how much you slept. This gesture is a powerful act of giving up control. Set it and forget it. You go to bed at X and get out at Y. What happens in between in regards to sleep you don’t care nor figure out anything about. Best wishes…

          • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Chee2308.
        Viewing 3 posts - 16 through 18 (of 18 total)

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