Hi Damers, sorry to hear you’re having a tough time. I think most of us take stuff for granted on occasion, whether it is sleeping well or being able to walk, see, etc. And trying to adjust is tough indeed.
Sometimes people just get situational insomnia, depending on specific things which might be stressing you out. You write that you are going through a lot in your life right now. All this stuff could be interfering with sleep. I know when I have something really on my mind, I am not surprised when I wake up at 3 am thinking about it. And when the stress passes on, sleep can get back to normal.
Great, but what to do in the meantime? Maybe the best thing is dealing as best you can with the lot of stuff you are going through. And at day’s end, figuring okay, I’ve done what i can today. And maybe you sleep better that night.
Insomnia gets to be more of a long term problem when it hangs around even after present day stresses are resolved. When you write that “it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon,” this is the insomnia talking. Again, it is perfectly understandable: it is hard to think straight when you are exhausted day after day. It is easy to lapse into the recurring–and powerful–thought that I am stuck like this indefinitely, maybe forever.
A powerful thought, which must be true because it is so powerful. No, it is not true. Sleep will come back into your life. Hard to believe when you are going through it, I know.
I hope you will stay with the forum.
Take care, Damers, you are not alone in this.