Hi deedeebon, your post cuts right to the chase, the way insomnia can seem so powerful.
I have dealing with insomnia for 40+ years. Not every night, and I am guessing you have had good streaks in there, but obviously for you it is still hanging around. And I have to think you have gone through all the sleep hygiene and lots of sleep meds, maybe some sleep studies, and you have dealt with this or that life stress which of course would interfere with sleep for a while just on its own. And I am guessing that the insomnia is still around because well, it just is.
So hard to remember that sleep is just a natural process, that if we can just get out of the way and just let it happen, especially when you are hammered by bad sleep for several consecutive nights. I am sure I will forget this too, if I go on another bad run.
You know there is no slam dunk solution, but I will say that mindfulness has been a help. E.g. couple of free sites: mindfulnessnorthwest.com and palousemindfulness.com I know, it is all the rage these days, and some of the stuff sounds pretty out there, but you might want to give it a shot. Only thing is you have to practice, though not necessarily for a long time at any one session. There are actually physically observable changes in the brain on fMRI scans.
I think it is likely that Martin’s course would offer similar benefits in that it is really focused on our thoughts—-like the thought that insomnia is all-powerful and controls our lives. He has videos on this site as well, addressing exactly what you are talking about.
I hope you get some relief soon. I know it can be a real bear sometimes.