
Feeling stuck in the insomnia struggle? Get the free insomnia sleep training course!

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      I’ve always had anxiety. I’m an over thinker, I tend to catastrophe, and expect the worst. However, in the fall of 2021, my anxiety took on a new face when I suffered an acute onset of insomnia. It all started after the birth of my third child, as soon as I got home from the hospital my anxiety was through the roof. I was staying up all night with my baby and my sleep schedule got all mixed up. At First, I was able to nap during the day to make up for the loss of sleep at night, but then one day, I laid down for a nap and couldn’t sleep. “No problem” I thought, “I’ll sleep tonight.” My husband took the baby for the night, and I went into the guest room. I had the whole night to sleep but I just couldn’t fall asleep. My thoughts were racing and my heart was pounding. In the morning, after not getting any sleep, I began to panic. Then, I did the one thing you should never do, I started googling postpartum insomnia and that began a downward spiral of anxiety, depression, and insomnia that would last 5 months.

      During the worst of it, I went 3 days in a row without sleep, I was having panic attacks daily. My body was filled with an energy that I couldn’t relieve. I was in a constant state of panic. When I would try to sleep, I would have hypnotic jerks and fragmented sleep. Eventually, I called my OB and she prescribed a sleep aid (Ambien). At fist it worked. I got some sleep and felt better, but after a couple weeks the sleep aid stopped working. This further perpetuated my anxiety and fear of not sleeping. That’s when I decided to get some much needed psychiatric help. This was the first step to my recovery.

      Over the next few months, I started working with a therapist. I was put on an anti depressant (Zoloft) to help with my postpartum anxiety and depression. This was not an immediate fix, it took about 2 months to fully kick in. To help with my sleep, my doctor prescribed a different sleep aid (Remeron) which I took for about 3 months. I made it very clear that I didn’t want to be on sleeping pills forever, so my therapist advised me to implement CBT-I while I took the sleep meds. Thankfully, I found insomnia coach and I completed the 2 week free course. I also watched many of his videos on YouTube. This information was very helpful and I implemented these strategies even while taking the sleep aid.

      In addition to the medication, my therapist told me to exercise daily, meditate, and I used the sauna daily to help with relaxation. I also started reading books about anxiety. My favorite was DARE: the new way to end anxiety. This book is based on ACT (acceptance therapy) and it was a life saver. Eventually, I got stronger, my anxiety decreased, and I began to feel more confident.

      After about 3 months of self improvements, I started tapering off the sleep aid. I began lowering my dose every two weeks. When I would do this, I would experience some rebound insomnia. CBT-I was very important during these times. I would go to bed only when I was sleepy, I would get out of bed if I couldn’t sleep, and I would try my best to get out of bed at the same time each morning.

      After about a month of tapering off, I randomly fell asleep one night without taking medication. That’s when I knew I was ready to come off the sleep aid completely. I stuck with CBT-I and after about a week or two, my sleep dramatically improved. I was able to fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly all night.

      I know that my insomnia may not be completely gone. In fact, I keep the door open for it to return. I’m no longer afraid of it. I feel empowered and ready to deal with it if it returns.

      If you are currently suffering from insomnia due to anxiety, considering trying these tips to help you:

      Connect with insomnia coach. Take the 2 week free course, watch all the videos, and/or sign up for the 8 week course.

      Seek help from a therapist and consider taking a SSRI. It took about two months to work, but it really helped my anxiety and eventually my sleep.

      Read the book DARE: the new way to end anxiety. Not to be dramatic but this book saved my life.

      Meditate daily( I used the app Insight Timer). When I couldn’t fall asleep, I would meditate and then try again. This really helped.

      Exercise. It really does help relieve anxiety.

      Stay positive. I know this can be so hard when you’re in the thick of it but it’s imperative. I downloaded an affirmation app called I Am to help me stay positive during this difficult time.

      Although the last 5 months were absolute hell, I’m happy it happened. It gave me the opportunity to take a good look at my life and improve in ways I never would have otherwise. A crisis is a valuable opportunity to make big changes, and that’s what I did, and I can honestly say that I’m a better person because of it. I’m also so thankful that I found Insomnia Coach. I truly believe I would have suffered much longer if I didn’t.

      “Through each crisis in my life, with acceptance and hope, in a single defining moment, I finally gained the courage to do things differently.” ~ Sharon E. Rainey

      Best wishes,


      ✘ Not a client

        Hello Angelina!! Thaks for your advice.I just have a question.
        What it means SSRI and CBT-1?

        ✘ Not a client

          Sounds like you’ve had quite the journey. I’m inspired by your perseverance. I will definitely look for the book DARE to see if I can reduce my anxiety, of which I have more than my fair share. I’ve been on zolpidem for many years, but reluctant to try antidepressant/anti-anxiety meds. My friend was on Remeron for sleep and after trying to titrate off of it, she experienced severe paranoia and anxiety. I’ve done CBT in the past and practice good sleep hygiene, but to no avail. Insomnia is a very complex problem and has many complex causes and correlations. However, one thing seems to be at the root of it, and that is anxiety, whether brought on by sleep loss or other issues.

          Martin Reed
          ★ Admin

            Thank you so much for sharing! I’m a big fan of the DARE book, too!

            Your experience with postpartum insomnia is quite common — and your recovery story is quite similar to Cindy’s too! I think this just goes to show that no matter what the initial cause of insomnia and no matter how difficult things are, there’s always hope!

            Cindy’s story:

            Forum Post: 100% cured from postpartum insomnia 🙂

            Podcast Episode: How Cindy tackled the insomnia that appeared after her baby was born by accepting nighttime wakefulness and eliminating safety behaviors (#31)

            Kim, a previous client of mine, also shared a good success story (she developed insomnia when her fifth baby was born).

            Thank you again for taking the time to share your transformation, Angelina!

            If you are ready to stop struggling with insomnia you can enroll in the online insomnia coaching course right now! If you would prefer ongoing phone or video coaching calls as part of a powerful three month program that will help you reclaim your life from insomnia, consider applying for the Insomnia Mastery program.

            The content of this post is provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, disorder, or medical condition. It should never replace any advice given to you by your physician or any other licensed healthcare provider. Insomnia Coach LLC offers coaching services only and does not provide therapy, counseling, medical advice, or medical treatment. All content is provided “as is” and without warranties, either express or implied.

            ✘ Not a client

              Same for Remeron. Went on a low dose for insomnia and it didn’t work after a few months. Then stopped it and got worse insomnia and anxiety which I never had before. Now am tapering off of it. Highly advise against anyone taking Remeron for sleep!

              ✘ Not a client

                You didn’t find the side effects of Zoloft too bad?

                ✓ Client

                  Thank you so my much for this “DARE anxiety” book recommendation . I immediately got audio book.

                  ✓ Client

                    I am work with Martin and so grateful for his work for us ❤️ But today I want to share this story of girl who were using same techniques. What I really love about this reading bc she using emotional words that I need about “Sleep window” from 12:30 am to 6 am. “It’s Brutal at first and it could take months. I shouldn’t go to bed until I am tired. I am talking sleepy tired, literally nodding off, cannot keep myself awake tired… thus gave me an idea of how tired I really need to be before even trying to go to bed…these days, I usually don’t even set foot into my bedroom until I’ve nodded off watching tv…I will continue to have bad nights until the day I die

                    ✘ Not a client

                      Angelina, you have really uplifted me! I ordered the book Dare, on kindle and will follow your encouraging advice! Thank you!

                      ✘ Not a client

                        Hi Angelina
                        I too m on Remeron after freaking out after knee surgery. Was experiencing insomnia before then but was recovering. Anyway I really want to get off this drug as it isn’t working anymore. I am hesitant to sign up for Martin’s course in case it takes months to come off. Would you recommend signing up while I am tapering. I have done the 2 week course but I think I need more structure and support. I am also super anxious about the medication and the awful withdrawal side effects. I believe my sleep would be restored by now if I didn’t have the withdrawal side effects looming over me. Can you tell me a little bit more about your taper.

                        Thanks Kylie

                        ✘ Not a client

                          Thank you so so so much for sharing. This really uplifted me. I am 10 weeks postpartum with my second child and suffering from the exact same thing you and Cindy went through. I didnt experienced this with my first child. Anyway, the funny thing is, nothing is wrong with my children. They slept so well, but I just couldn’t. This started right after the birth of my second born. I spiraled into pp depression and even have suicidal thoughts (of course I didn’t do it because the thought of leaving my husband and children behind stopped me. So at week 6 I couldn’t handle the daily panic attacks and insomnia I went to see a psychiatrist and am now on antidepressant, (which she mentioned would take about 2mths to see the full benefit). The thought of even sleep would sky rocket my anxiety and send me into panic attacks. Its been week 5 of taking it and I feel alot better. I no longer have negative thoughts but my sleep is still really bad. And throughout the day, my broken brain would continuously fire up sleep anxiety thoughts which is holy heck annoying! I tried to ignore or to address them but it’s useless. It’s constantly there oh god. It’s like my brain is broken. So thank you for sharing your story! I do hope my traumatised brain could eventually recover and I could eventually sleep again, without having hypnic jerks or fragmented sleep.

                          ✘ Not a client

                            I’m sorry this is happening to you but you will get through it! When I came off Remeron I started off slow. I would reduce the amount every every few days. I would also make sure I never went more than two days with out good sleep, so if I had two bad nights then I would take enough medication to get a full night sleep. This reduced my anxiety bc I always knew eventually I would sleep well.

                            I think signing up for Martins class would help if you haven’t seen results yet! CBT-I really helped me get through the toughest times. Best of luck!

                            ✘ Not a client

                              I’m so sorry this is happening to you but you will recover! Don’t give up hope – sleep disruption is normal and your sleep will eventually go back to normal. Postpartum is such a tricky time. Are you taking anything for sleep? Have you read the book DARE?

                              ✘ Not a client

                                Thank you so much for your reply. Its really very comforting to know that i’m not the only one suffering this as it can really feels so so lonely (especially when your whole family, including your newborn is soundly asleep). Previously the psych prescribed me antidepressant (dothiepin hcl) along with zopiclone. OHMYGOD. ZOPICLONE DID NOT KNOCK ME OUT. It just made me really drowsy the next day and my anxiety and panic attacks went through the roof. So she next prescribed me clonazapam and I could finally sleep (~5-6hours, without my body jerking me up and felt more calm!)The thing for clonazapam is that is is addictive, so at the beginning I only took it once every 3 days. Once my panic attacks stopped, I kind of wean myself off this. Its been around a week since I took any clonazapam. I am still taking dothiepin in the background. I can go to bed at around 9.30pm, take super long to fall asleep and just drift in and out of sleep, sometimes taking super long to fall back asleep. I don’t even know if I slept because I became such a light sleeper! (I used to sleep like a log). I feel like I am a lighter sleeper than my dog now. HAHA! One light sound could jerk me up!

                                I watched all of Martin’s video while my newborn is asleep and I really feel so much better. He is really God-sent. But the thing is my mind just keeps playing with me, like I know all the logics and facts about sleep drive, sleep pressure and all sorts that was mentioned in the video. It make so much sense but, my broken mind just refuse to listen and telling me otherwise. Every waking moment I just become so obsessed with sleep (even though I tried accepting these thoughts) and I even look at my daughter sleeping soundly and I am so jealous of her being able to sleep! Hahahha.

                                Gosh this is so dreadful, but the improvement is that I no longer feared my bed. I actually really look forward to lying down on my bed every night as im so tired. (but just couldnt.. sleep or stay asleep.) HELP!

                                Yes I ordered the book after i read your post yesterday! Waiting for its arrival! =

                                I know this differs for different people but may I ask when did you start sleeping better and feeling better? Eg. how many months after postpartum?

                                Thank you in advanced! <3

                                ✘ Not a client

                                  Thank you so much for replying. As I am having withdrawal symptoms from remeron I need to slowly taper which is going to prolong this agony and anxiety. I am sleeping OK on the medication as my overall anxiety has lessened. So many people telling me to do different things in regards to the medication. I know it is me who is sleeping now and not trying to over ride the medication. I am hoping to be able to regain my confidence as with every drop I’m going to get rebound insomnia and freak out. I am so lost right now.

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